Presently, Idre Fjäll, a tourist resort located in the Swedish mountains have its cabins heated with electrical power. The environmental department of the municipality of Älvdalen asked me to seek out environmentally friendly alternatives to grid electricity. The objective is to find compatible and suitable solutions for cabins that are not used continually. The solutions mustn’t require effort from the customers and must provide the same or better comfort as did the former system. A mainly theoretical study was carried out. In a first step information was gathered from different sources, then the work of choosing valid alternatives and describing them begun. For some of the calculations, advice from an energy consultant was obtained. Also, a deeper understanding of the technologies described was sought. Different solutions were studied, solar energy (electricity and heat), biogas, pellets and wind power and then each resource was broadly explained, from the technical aspects to its situation nowadays in Sweden. The reason why the solutions must include the usage of renewable resources, is mainly because of the strong interest of the municipalities to get closer to achieving the national environmental objectives Sweden has set. For Idre Fjäll, different systems can be chosen and combined in order to make the utilization of the renewable fuels sustainable. The technology for solar collectors, pellets, biogas and windpower is sufficiently developed to make them interesting alternatives as substitutes to a good part of the grid electricity. Wind power turned out to be one of the best options, the wind status near the resort is very favorable. The financial evaluation shows promise. However, a deep study about the consequences of installing a wind turbine must be made before considering a project of such magnitude.