Test sequences in a test battery for Parkinson’s disease patients, consisting of self-assessments and motor tests, were carried out repeatedly in a telemedicine setting, during week-long test periods and results were summarized in an ‘overall score’. 35 patients in stable and fluctuating conditions (15 age- and gender-matched pairs) used the test battery for 1 week, and were then assessed with UPDRS and PDQ-39. This procedure was repeated 1 week later, without treatment changes. Reliability was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficients and Cronbach’s alpha. Convergent validity was assessed by Spearman rank correlations and known-groups’ validity, by the Mann–Whitney test. According to anonymous usability questionnaires, the patients could easily complete the tasks. Median compliance (93%) and test–retest reliability (0.88) were good. The correlations between overall score and total UPDRS (-0.64) and PDQ-39 (-0.72) were adequate. Median overall score was 18% better in the stable compared to the fluctuating group (p = 0.0014).