The aim of the present study was to examine if there are any cross cultural differences between Swedish and Turkish drivers’ rating of the variables in the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with regard to complying with the speed limit. A sample of 219 Swedish and 252 Turkish drivers completed a questionnaire including questions based on the theory of planned behaviour (i.e. regarding attitude, subjective norm,perceived behavioural control, intention and behaviour). The results show that country differences in drivers’ intention to comply with the speed limit as well as their self reported compliance could be explained by differences found in their attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. Furthermore,drivers who live in a country with fewer road traffic fatalities (i.e. Sweden), compared with driverswholive in a country withmore road traffic fatalities (i.e. Turkey),reported amore positive attitude towards complying with the speed limit, a more positive subjective norm, a higher perceived behavioural control, a higher intention and a larger proportion of the time spent complying.