What is to become of these children? A study of David Björling’s way of teaching and the background to it in older traditions of teaching singing. The children who are referred to in the title received their musical education during their very early years. Their father, David Björling, had the idea of educating his children to be opera singers. The purpose of this research note is to give a conclud-ing picture of the dissertation and to place David Björling’s methods in the historical context of vocal pedagogy. In the reseach note David Björlings vocal pedagogy is connected to the natural school of singing. David Björling is found to have roots in an older Italian tradition. From a didactic point of view the results show that the Björlingschool was formed in accordance with the pedagogical model we understand today as the Suzuki method. David Björling's teaching methods are based on the older German tradition of development, a tradition in musical education which predated the Suzuki method.