Evidence based practice is essential to provide best possible oral health care. It is a broad concept including best scientific evidence available, the providers’ clinical experiences and skills and the patients' preferences and expectations. Evidence based practice hereby makes great demands on the care providers. It is necessary to have adequate competence to interpret and translate research findings into clinical practice, but also skills to perform clinical tasks in accordance with current knowledge. Moreover, it is important to be open and attentive to patients' wishes to provide best care possible even if patients cannot afford or do not preferred the treatment that is based on the best scientific evidence. A licensed healthcare provider must have the competence to be able to follow current research in the field in order to suggest various treatment options to patients. The presentation will focus on how to define a clinical problem possible to answer, and how to search for, find and make sense of the evidence. The research process will be discussed with respect particularly to methodology. Finally, how to incorporate the results into clinical practice will be highlighted. Systematic literature reviews are of great importance and are very useful to guide clinical practice, a couple of such reviews will be presented and discussed