The focus of this research project is the extent and scope of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in English-medium upper secondary schools in Sweden. The aim is to investigate how the four stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, and school administrators) in the schools offering CLIL define their educational goals as well as how these goals are assessed, what methods are identified as tools to reach the goals, and how achievement of the goals is measured. The objective is not only to map the present situation of CLIL in Sweden, but also to describe current practices within CLIL and to explain its development in Sweden. The three parts of this study (survey, goals and expectations, and practice) are being addressed separately but concurrently. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used and include surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observations, and analysis of school homepages and recruiting material. The first part of the study involves mapping CLIL in Sweden today as well as analysing the development of CLIL in the Swedish context, with a focus on purpose and policy. How is the educational option being presented by and to the potential stakeholders? Why is English being offered as the medium of instruction? How is CLIL defined by and for the stakeholders? The second part of the study will involve educational ethnography research, with a focus on practice. What is happening in a lesson with CLIL and why? How does the practice in the classroom relate to the stated goals? The third part of the study will involve assessing the attainment of goals and meeting of expectations, with a focus on how practice addresses these. This study is expected to produce conclusions about the observed state of CLIL as well as about what the next step for CLIL in the Swedish context may be.