Food has become one of the most important elements used in the marketing of destinations. This study analyzes the representation of the Swedish food in the promotional material in food tourism of Try Swedish project, as well as Jämtland and Väst Sverige regional promotion. The focus of the research is on the main elements represented in the chosen sample of the marketing material, its purpose and audience to which the material is addressed. The content analysis explores the qualitative data of Try Swedish, Jämtland and West Sweden websites and information received through the interviews with three representatives of these webpages, involved in promotion of Swedish food to tourists. The qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews and content analysis provides inside look into the members´ experience in marketing of Swedish food, as well as the outsiders’ analytical view upon the representational material. The findings of this research demonstrate what has been achieved in the food promotion of Sweden so far and what needs improvement and special attention in order to achieve a status of "Sweden – a new culinary nation" according to the Ministry of Rural Affair vision.