This thesis is an exploration of a few of the basic values that are transmitted to Western youths via the popular media format of manga and anime, predominantly Japanese in origin. The procurement of values can affect a person’s development and perspective of the world. As such, it is imperative that the material school children and young adults are consuming is researched to assess the possible implications this can have on the future.
As source material the author has used both manga and anime which have mostly been translated by fans of the series since these are the most easily accessible to a Western audience, being offered for reading and streaming on the Internet, gratis. Limitations have been necessary, why this thesis is only focusing on the most widely read and watched genre of manga and anime, shōnen.
The author utilizes the theories about Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft proposed by the 19th century sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies and further developed by Johan Asplund in the late 20th century. Also, the theory of Occidentalism as proposed by Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit is sometimes called upon to further the discussion of aforementioned theories.
Any and all consumers of manga and anime reading this out of curiosity should be aware that this thesis contains some major spoilers for many anime and manga series. Proceed at your own discretion.