Den mediala debatten om tiggeri.: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Aftonbladets och SvenskaDagbladets nätbaserade nyhetsartiklar om framställningenav romer som tigger.
2015 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
People coming to Sweden to earn a living by begging is a phenomenon that isgrowing considerably over a very short time. There is notable inequality betweenthe Romani and the Swedish people in many areas of the country where Romanicommunities are more vulnerable to discrimination. Both politicians and the mediahave taken up this issue frequently alike. The purpose of the study is to review andanalyse the articles regarding Romani beggars, and see how the newspapers'presentations influence the reader’s own opinions. We will also look at what liesbehind why they write the way they do. We limited ourselves to RomanianRomani beggars, as it was most often this group that is highlighted in the media aspanhandlers. The essay has a social constructionist perspective because we believethat the media has a large impact on public discourse.The empirical data is based on 10 articles each from Aftonbladet and SvenskaDagbladet. To get answers to our questions, we used a comparative qualitativethematic content analysis method. We analysed news items from variousnewspapers to get a picture of how Romani begging presented. After that, acomparison was made of the material to see if there were any differences inperspective and presentation between Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. Theanalysis suggests that in Swedish newspapers, there is notable bias against Romanibeggars, and a marked disconnect in grasping the reality of Roma begging. Thestudy’s results demonstrate not only the media's influential position in society, butalso how it can be a contributory factor to systematic discrimination. The resultshows that there are both differences and similarities in the newspapers’presentation of the subject matter, as well as that what is written and how theinformation is presented, can have a distinct impact on how the Romani who begare perceived by readersKeywords: beggar, begging
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
beggar, begging, Romani, discrimination, us and them, classism, political ideologies, newspapers’ impact, social constructionism
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-18641OAI:, id: diva2:828225