The study on destination image is highly important for the destination developmentand increase of the overall tourism flows. It is formed by several actors, such astourists and Tour Operators. There is a scant research conducted on the investigationof destination image specifically within dark tourism. This concept is relatively newand undiscovered. The authors attempt to fulfill the existing gap in the investigationon the present phenomena by studying destination image of Chernobyl ExclusionZone as a new dark tourism site from two different perspectives and try to place itin the overall tourism development strategy for Ukraine.The qualitative research method was chosen for this study. The empirical datawas gathered through conduction of in-depth interviews with the major TourOperators and the content analysis of visitors’ blogs was performed. The resultsshow that both parties see Chernobyl as a dark tourism destination includingattractions of such kind as toxic and Post-Soviet. However, during the discussion ofthe results and relevant destination formation literature some inconsistency wasdetermined in the Tour Operators image projection. The further researched showedthat the connection of destination Chernobyl to the tourism branch of Ukraine is notfound sufficient and even negatively impacting the development of specified site.