While China has become one of the larger tourism destination regions in the recent years, allindications point to China establishing itself as the biggest tourist outbound market in the nearfuture. As such, numerous countries prepare to attract more Chinese travelers with a higherspending power in order to sustain or extend the current level of tourism related income. Forpotential European destinations, it is therefore essential to understand the travel motivations aswell as the obstacles Chinese travelers face when considering Europe as a travel destination.Therefore, the aim of this research is to contribute to the understanding of the Chinese outboundtourism market towards European destinations. This was achieved by analyzing the impacts oftravel obstacles and the push and pull factors of Chinese travelers. This analysis has been basedupon the development of the travel flows in the past 10 years, in terms of tourist numbers, and isexplained by economic, political and social factors (i.e. push and pull).The method used within this research consists of quantitative secondary data. The data isrecorded from the World Tourism Organization statistics and re-analyzed using the LocationQuotient.While in the past much of the outbound tourism was concentrated in several countries the resultsindicate that destination choices vary more and more while all countries in this study recorded anincrease in Chinese tourists. The analyzing-results also indicated that with the rise of the Chineseeconomy, the number of outbound tourists will relatively rise. Moreover, the findings indicatethat the flow of outbound tourists from China has risen, also owing to relaxation of major staterestrictions and change of intervening obstacles.After analysing the situation of tourism market [during the past decade] between Europe andChina, the authors are able to comment about the future trends. Furthermore, suggestions forfuture investigation are presented.