Local communities that live in World Heritage sites can be effected in many ways by the World Heritage status of their city. This study focuses on the impact the local community in Bath experiences. Bath is a city in England that is listed as whole on the World Heritage List. A document analysis and in-depth interviews where preformed to get insight in the impact World Heritage designation and tourism development have on the social and economical structure of the local community. In the case of Bath the World Heritage status has lead to an increase in housing prices and less available housing and office space. The majority of Bath falls under the protection of UNESCO and therefore developments are restricted, time consuming and expensive. The development of tourism has lead to an increase in visitors which is causing congestion and health issues. Many locals work in the tourism industry which is found to be a low income industry and are therefore unable to effort housing in Bath. Due to the lack of office space and building space there are not many other industries besides tourism which could lead to Bath becoming a mono-industry. The quality of life for the local community in Bath has decreased, there are little job opportunities outside of the tourism industry, there is little housing available and the pollution has exceed EU levels. If Bath does not make some changes they are at risk of, just as happened to some other World Heritage cities, crowed out as a result of their World Heritage status and tourism development.