The aim of the article is to present and discuss a study in which Finnish, Englishand Swedish pupils’ understanding of citizenship education with regard to: (a)political literacy; and (b) attitudes and values was explored. The study was a crossnational,multiple case study and data were collected through 18 focus groupdialogues with 15-year-old pupils. Results showed that English pupils were muchmore well-informed about rights and responsibilities than their Nordiccounterparts and also more skilled rhetorically, but appeared less accustomed toopen and confident relationships with adults than the Swedish pupils. Finnishpupils did not seem to be encouraged to talk; instead they kept their thoughts andfeelings to themselves. One conclusion, among others, was that the studyilluminates conditions for the development of a so-called key competence – i.e.,‘interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competence’.