Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
This study is a continuation on a previous empirical study in the field of religious education and
the development of religious education in Sweden and how the development of teaching religion
has been affected by society. This study intend to examine the teachers perception of the
development of religious education in Swedish schools. The study sets out to ask the teachers
about their own thoughts about their teaching in religious education. The questions are the
following six: 1. Are the teachers experiencing some changes in their teaching due to the years
they’ve been working? 2. Is there some division between the partaking teachers perception of
their teaching in the study? 3. Is there some division between the partaking teachers perception
of how the religious education have transformed during their active time as teachers? 4. Do the
teachers in the study believe that their conditions have changed during their active time as
teachers? 5. Is there some agebased conjuction in the result of the survey? 6. Does the result
from the survey divide from the result from the intervjues in some vital way?
By using both a survey with and then an interview with six participants the study gained more
opinions on different levels wich was one of the main goals with the study. The analyzing
method was choosen based on it’s ability to retell the opinions from the teachers in best possible
way. To interpretative what the teachers said and how they felt, the study could show what the
teachers main concerns and opinions really are with a retelling overview from the author. The
result from the study shows that teachers in religious education in Sweden believes that the
curriculum has to much matter and to little time to educate the students. The teachers also thinks
that some changes in the education has been affected from society, mainly IT development and
integration. The majority of the teachers do believe that the religious education have changed
during their active time teaching and the result from the survey and the interview are very much
Religionskunskap, religionskunskapslärare, ämnesförändring, samhällsförändring, ämnesutveckling och kursplan