The purpose of this thesis is to establish a functional program for an eco-cycle building where people can be
reached with knowledge of sustainable development. The background to this is that the municipality of
Borlänge approved a plan program with the vision of creating a new, climate neutral district and thereby
become a precursor for sustainable construction in the region. For instance, the functional program is meant
to investigate the background and the prerequisites that existed. In the municipality’s plan program, the
building is described to have an educational function for the district and for Borlänge; a place which focuses
on practical demonstrations and education for students and residents in recycling issues for energy, water
and waste/material in a comprehensible and compelling way. The eco-cycle building is planned to be
established near the new school, with classes from 6 to 9, to make a cooperation possible.
Requests from the municipality is that the eco-cycle building can work like a hub in the new district, but
also become a new place of interest and put Borlänge on the map for sustainable construction. Sustainable
construction includes resource management, minimized energy use and renewable energy sources, but also
that resources like energy, waste and water circulate in an eco-cycle. Theory has been obtained from
literature focusing on how we should build our houses and cities if we want to join and create a sustainable
Part of the purpose of this thesis was to explore how to disseminate information on environmental and
circular issues in an educational way. The theoretical part of the thesis is therefore focusing on selected parts
of education obtained from previous research in children and youth learning for sustainable development,
since studies show that it is important that children learn about these issues early in life. Education for
Sustainable Development is an important prerequisite for achieving the sustainability goals set by the UN
until 2030. Upcoming generations must learn a sustainable way of life right from the start while the existing
population must drastically change their lifestyle.
In order to gather empiricism, interviews were held with people who have been involved in the planning
work with the new district. It turned out that there were former driving spirits who introduced the idea of the
eco-cycle building, but that it doesn’t currently are the major priority in the ongoing work with the new
school and housing.
Engaging the users at an early stage provides better conditions for achieving a result that is effective and
satisfying for all parties. The theory of design dialogues has therefore been studied to demonstrate the
importance of a good dialogue to quickly identify needs and develop ideas in design work.
The result of the thesis, the functional program, can be seen as a draft on conceptual level with features and
expressions that can be applied to a building of this kind, and an inspiration for continued work. In the
functional program, our interpretations form how the eco-cycle building would meet the requests and
functions that’s been requested in the plan program, in order to benefit as much as possible in the
municipality's future work with the building.
Conclusions are that there are no precursors of the eco-cycle building as a concept. Despite a large number
of sources of inspiration from various aspects, no example was found that combines all the aspects we have
the ambition to develop for this building. The eco-cycle building as a concept could play an important role
for how to handle sustainable issues in a district or in a whole city. However, further work is required to
investigate how the building should be run and managed, as well as more extensive studies of which
technical solutions to apply. Further work is also required to optimize the building for the future location,
and the size of the building that are appropriate. There is a great interest in the building from various
participants in Borlänge, but to implement the idea of the eco-cycle building, one or more people need to
embrace the project with the commitment that previously existed in the organization.