A hardened and tempered component of boron steel, which revealed
an intergranular fracture after fatigue testing, have been studied. It was suspected
that the component was embrittled by boron precipitation in the grain boundaries.
This hypothesis is the motivation for this work. A reference component which
exhibits good fatigue properties was used. In order to understand the different
mechanical properties, both samples was studied in detail.
A small notched specimen from each component were fractured
in-situ in an auger
electron microscope (AES) to study the fracture surfaces with minimum oxygen
contamination. During the AES-analysis, boron nitride in grain boundaries and
particles containing Ca and Mn was found in both specimen. The fracture was of
both brittle and ductile mode for both specimen. P and C were found on every
intergranular surface studied.
Fracture surfaces, polished and etched cross sections were studied using scanning
electron microscope (SEM). Micro hardness measurement reveal that the
microstructure in the material with low fatigue resistance consists of large fraction
of a softer phase.
Since both specimen show a lot of defects, boron embrittlement is not the
contributing factor for low fatigue resistance. The quality of the product would
probably increase by reducing the amount of defects. The challenging issue is
quantification of the amount of the softer phase. It is believed that the softer phase
can be retained austenite or ferrite. Both can occur as a consequence of faulty heat
treatment, but with different process parameters. A Jominy test showed equal
hardenability for both components, this indicates heat treatment differences.