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  • 1.
    Aanstoot, Janna
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    Att mäta progression i svenska som andraspråkstexter2023Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte är att analysera hur texter skrivna av studenter i svenska som andraspråk på B-nivå förändras kvantitativt och kvalitativt över tid under sina studier vid Korta vägen, en uppdragsutbildningpå universitet och studieförbund beställd av Arbetsförmedlingen. Nio deltagare producerade en text i början av utbildningen och en i slutet av utbildningen och dessa texter analyserades med avseende på totalt antal ord, medellängd på meningarna (ord/mening = MLM), kvotbisatser vs huvudsatser samt andel felaktiga och svårbedömda satser. Resultatet visar att förändringen av antalet ord bedöms som signifikant på gruppnivå med en effektstorlek på mediumnivå (>0,5) (Cohen’s d = 0,511) mellan den första och andra texten. Vad gäller förändringen av medellängd på meningar över tid bedöms denna som signifikant på lägsta nivå (<0,2) (Cohen’s d =0,367). Den största förändringen som visar sig i studien är dock andelen bisatser vs huvudsatser där effektstorlek bedöms som stor (>0,8) och högst signifikant (Cohen’s d = 1,677). De kvalitativa lingvistiska fel som studenterna gjort har klassificerats i nio kategorier: 1. felaktig interpunktion, 2. problem med svensk ordföljd, 3. adverb uppfattas felaktigt som bisatsinledare, 4. bisats står ensam, 5. bisatsinledaren behärskas inte så studenten gör två huvudsatser, 6. behövlig satsdel saknas, 7. fasta uttryck behärskas inte grammatiskt, 8. inskjutning av ord som inte följer svensk syntax, 9. betydelsen av satsen är svårtolkad. I diskussionen anknyts till Bulté och Housens (2012) modell över språklig komplexitet samt processbarhetsteorin (Pienemann & Håkansson, 1999). Slutsatsen är att både längd och bisatser är en viktig del av progressionen i studenters andraspråkstexter men att kvalitativa felanalyser fortfarande krävs för att bedöma förändringens kvalitet.

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  • 2.
    Abelin, Åsa
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Thorén, Bosse
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Swedish as Second Language.
    The Perceptual Weight of Word Stress, Quantity and Tonal Word Accent in Swedish2017In: Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage / [ed] Elena Babatsouli and David Ingram, Equinox Publishing, 2017, p. 316-341Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    When teaching the pronunciation of an additional language, the teacher should know which properties to give high priority and which to give lower priority. The present study aims at ranking the perceptual weight among the three phonemic prosodic contrasts of Swedish, namely word stress, quantity and tonal word accent. In two experiments, native Swedish subjects were presented with several disyllabic sequences; intact words, nonsense words and words that were distorted with respect to the three prosodic contrasts. The distorted words were not members of minimal pairs. In addition to intact words and non-word distractors, subjects heard originally trochaic words pronounced with iambic stress pattern and vice versa, originally /VːC/ words pronounced as /VCː/ and originally accent I words pronounced with accent II and vice versa. Listeners should decide whether the words were real words or not. The result shows that words with changed word accent category were rather easy to identify, words with changed stress pattern harder to identify, and changed quantity category caused most problems.

  • 3.
    Abelin, Åsa
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Thorén, Bosse
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Swedish as Second Language.
    The relative perceptual weight of two Swedish prosodic contrasts2015In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2015 / [ed] Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram, Chania 73100, Greece: Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech , 2015, p. 1-7Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Abstract. In addition to 9 vowel and 18 consonant phonemes, Swedish has three prosodic phonemic contrasts: word stress, quantity and tonal word accent. There are also examples of distinctive phrase or sentence stress, where a verb can be followed by either an unstressed preposition or a stressed particle. This study focuses on word level and more specifically on word stress and tonal word accent in disyllabic words. When making curriculums for second language learners, teachers are helped by knowing which phonetic or phonological features are more or less crucial for the intelligibility of speech and there are some structural and anecdotal evidence that word stress should play a more important role for intelligibility of Swedish, than the tonal word accent. The Swedish word stress is about prominence contrasts between syllables, mainly signaled by syllable duration, while the tonal word accent is signaled mainly by pitch contour. The word stress contrast, as in armen [´arːmən] ‘the arm’ - armén [ar´meːn] ‘the army’, the first word trochaic and the second iambic, is present in all regional varieties of Swedish, and realized with roughly the same acoustic cues, while the tonal word accent, as in anden [´anːdən] ‘the duck’ - anden [`anːdən] ‘the spirit’ is absent in some dialects (as well as in singing), and also signaled with a variety of tonal patterns depending on region. The present study aims at comparing the respective perceptual weight of the two mentioned contrasts. Two lexical decision tests were carried out where in total 34 native Swedish listeners should decide whether a stimulus was a real word or a non-word. Real words of all mentioned categories were mixed with nonsense words and words that were mispronounced with opposite stress pattern or opposite tonal word accent category. The results show that distorted word stress caused more non-word judgments and more loss, than distorted word accent. Our conclusion is that intelligibility of Swedish is more sensitive to distorted word stress pattern than to distorted tonal word accent pattern. This is in compliance with the structural arguments presented above, and also with our own intuition.

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  • 4.
    Abelin, Åsa
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Thorén, Bosse
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Swedish as Second Language.
    What affects recognition most – wrong wordstress or wrong word accent?2015In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2015, Lund University, Sweden / [ed] Malin Svensson Lundmark, Gilbert Ambrazaitis and Joost van de Weijer, 2015, Vol. 55, p. 7-10Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In an attempt to find out which of the two Swedish prosodic contrasts of 1) wordstress pattern and 2) tonal word accent category has the greatest communicative weight, a lexical decision experiment was conducted: in one part word stress pattern was changed from trochaic to iambic, and in the other part trochaic accentII words were changed to accent I.Native Swedish listeners were asked to decide whether the distorted words werereal words or ‘non-words’. A clear tendency is that listeners preferred to give more‘non-word’ responses when the stress pattern was shifted, compared to when wordaccent category was shifted. This could have implications for priority of phonological features when teaching Swedish as a second language.

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  • 5.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Japanese.
    Cross-cultural pragmatics: Challenges and implications of teaching Japanese politeness strategies to learners of L2 Japanese2019Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Japanese politeness discourse varies in complexity according to social distance, relative power between speakers, and social situations. Yet Swedish learners of Japanese often do not see the necessity of learning polite discourse and often view such forms negatively. Intentionally or otherwise, Swedish learners often fail to use appropriate politeness strategies in large part because Sweden is one of the most egalitarian societies in the world. However, it is important to point out to foreign language learners that cultural and social norms are not cross-culturally interchangeable and that speakers must often adapt to the language they are learning and to the culture they find themselves in.

    In this presentation, I will first offer various definitions and views of politeness in Japan, Sweden, and the US as well as other English-speaking countries as suggested by previous studies, and I will discuss the reasons why these came to be viewed as they are today. Second, Swedish learners’ attitudes toward the use of Japanese polite forms will be examined using data from surveys and error analyses. Finally, various methods for overcoming cross-cultural miscommunication caused by differences in politeness strategies will be proposed, which may be applied to learners of other languages.

  • 6.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Identity development in NNS-NNS telecollaboration using Japanese as a lingua franca and the potential of multimodal analysis of intercultural telecollaboration2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Recent studies of Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) demonstrate that authentic intercultural contexts can be achieved by the use of online tools so as to enhance students’ foreign language learning and identity development. While previous research on telecollaboration and identity has mainly focused on NS-NNS interactions, this study investigates various stages of identity construction through NNS-NNS telecollaborative interactions using Japanese as lingua franca. 

    The study (which was conducted together with a researcher in the U.S.) examines two sets of NNSs with different L1 backgrounds, namely NNSs of Japanese from universities in the US and Sweden. The project combines telecollaborative activities consisting of both asynchronous written (blogs) and synchronous verbal (online discussions) communication.

    The Intercultural Dialogue (ID) model (Houghton, 2012) was used to evaluate the outcome. The model consists of five stages: 1) Analysis of Self; 2) Analysis of Other; 3) Critical analysis of value similarities (or differences) between Self and Other; 4) Critical evaluation of the values of Self and Other relative to a standard; and 5) Identity development.

    Our findings indicate that through their written and oral discussions in Japanese, the students’ choice of words constructed images of the person they are or wished to be perceived as while building an understanding of their own identities. This shows that language use does not necessarily reflect who one is but is used to contribute to the construction of one’s identities. It was also observed that there exists a stage prior to the first stage in the ID-model, namely a “no-awareness” stage. Furthermore, our findings indicate that Stage 1 “Awareness of Self” occurs as two sub-stages: 1-a) Awareness of single identity; and 1-b) Awareness of having multiple identities. Our data also suggest that at one point, several students were offering different critical evaluations of Self and Other as a result of their own and the Japanese cultural standard not fitting the standard identity development model, suggesting that the multicultural nature of NNS-NNS interactions involving different L1 backgrounds can accelerate identity development.

    The potential and challenges of multimodal analysis of intercultural telecollaboration are also discussed.

  • 7.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Japanese.
    Intercultural communicative competence: the challenges and implications of teaching Japanese politeness strategies to Swedish learners of Japanese2015Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Teaching communicative competence is extremely important in language instruction. One can avoid embarrassing situations and conflicts caused by misunderstandings if she/he understands the differences in intercultural pragmatics. Politeness discourse varies in complexity according to social distance, relative power between the speakers, and situations. The data I have collected during the past 6 years indicates that Swedish learners of Japanese often do not see the necessity of learning the polite/honorific discourse and often view these negatively as Swedish society is one of the most egalitarian in the world. As a consequence, Swedish students often fail to utilize appropriate politeness strategies when speaking in Japanese. However, it is important to point out to foreign language learners that cultural and social norms are not interchangeable and that one must adapt to the language one is using and the culture one is in. Thus Swedish Learners of Japanese should consider politeness discourse as a part of the rules of the language rather than something that can be modified based on one’s opinion.

    The current study investigates the differences in politeness strategies between Swedish and Japanese discourse. Student surveys and analysis of students’ errors have revealed clear differences in the use of politeness strategies in Swedish and in Japanese context. While the politeness, respect, and formality are closely intertwined in Japanese; the Swedes perceive respect and politeness as separate matters. It is also found that while the Japanese are inclined to using verbal politeness strategies, the Swedes express their respect more through non-verbal actions or behaviors. Various Japanese and Swedish utterances have also been examined to determine the Discourse Politeness Default suggested by Usami (2006) in order to systematize the politeness strategies in ways similar to grammatical rules.




  • 8.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Methodological challenges in multimodal analysis of synchronous digital intercultural communication: The case of Swedish-U.S. online exchanges using Japanese as a lingua franca2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    While synchronous online telecollaboration has been gaining popularity in foreign language education over the past few decades, both Multimodal Communicative Competence and Intercultural Communicative Competence have become increasingly important as a result of many educational institutions, business establishments, and governmental organizations being forced by the COVID-19 pandemic to switch their means of communication to online video conferencing systems.

    Although access to digital communication technology and tools allow more people to be part of intercultural communicative exchanges, it is suspected that a considerable amount of miscommunication is caused by mis- or non-understanding of the variety of modes used in synchronous digital communication due to differences in interlocutors’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds, which can affect verbal and prosodic elements such as speed, pitch, and intonation as well as non-verbal dimensions such as facial expressions, gaze, and gestures together with spatial aspects and the positioning of participants in the video frame.

    Existing methods of multimodal analysis of digital communication often deal with monolingual situations. Even in cases of analysis of intercultural communication, at least one of the participating parties use their native language. 

    The current study intends to fill the research gap seen in methodological issues concerning the analysis of multimodal, and (specifically) synchronous, digital intercultural communication when a non-native language is used by all participants as a lingua franca. To this end, methodological implications of multimodal analysis of synchronous digital intercultural interactions between Swedish and U.S. participants using Japanese as a lingua franca were explored, highlighting challenges that surfaced during the analysis of the data gathered for a separate study of identity development through online telecollaboration and focusing especially on the problems that may arise when a third language is used as means of communication between non-native speakers. 

  • 9.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Promoting Plurilingualism and Pluriculturalism in Commissioned Education for Adult Learners in Multinational Japanese-Swedish Workplaces2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There have been a number of studies dealing with the concepts of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in primary, secondary and university education, especially in the European context, as plurilingual and intercultural education have long been promoted by the Council of Europe. However, little discussion of these two concepts has taken place in the context of adult education targeting employees in multinational workplaces. 

    Due to the increasing number of companies purchased by or merged with a Japanese company in Sweden, the commissioned education course on “Communicating and Doing Business with the Japanese” I teach at our university has gained in popularity over the past several years. These multinational companies encourage managerial personnel to take such a course in the hope that they will learn the “Japanese way” of communication and conducting business. Despite their extensive experience living and working in other countries, with many of them capable of communicating in several languages at various proficiency levels, these learners often join the course with the expectation of molding themselves into something they are not. However, the course is designed to aid these learners in rethinking their identities as plurilingual- and pluricultural selves along with their roles in the multinational, multilingual company rather than learning to behave like Japanese business executives. This is implemented by first identifying their own plurilingualism and pluriculturalism of which they are initially unaware, followed by a critical analysis of the portrayal of how things are done the “Japanese way,” which is accomplished by exposing the learners to a variety of perspectives. A discussion of “culture” is also necessary as many of them consciously or unconsciously associate “culture” with “national culture.”

    In this practical report, I will introduce the initiatives used in this commissioned education course to induce pluricultural thinking before results of the thematic analysis of follow-up interview data from former course participants are presented to show how they further developed plurilingual and pluricultural competence in their workplace over several years after the course ended. These testimonies make it evident that plurilingual and pluricultural awareness should be encouraged in adult education. 

  • 10.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Japanese.
    The Development of Identity and Intercultural Communicative Competence in NNS-NNS Online Interaction2019Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    As demonstrated in recent studies of Computer-assisted language learning (CALL), authentic intercultural contexts can be created by using online exchanges to enhance students’ foreign language learning and identity. While research on telecollaboration and identity has mainly focused on NS-NNS interactions, this study examines NNS-NNS telecollaborative interactions.

    The study examines two sets of NNSs with different L1 backgrounds, namely NNSs of Japanese from universities in the US and Sweden. The project combines telecollaborative activities consisting of both asynchronous written (blogs) and synchronous verbal (online discussions).

    The Intercultural Dialogue (ID) model (Houghton, 2012) was used to evaluate the outcome. The model consists of five stages: 1) Analysis of Self; 2) Analysis of Other; 3) Critical analysis of value similarities (or differences) between Self and Other; 4) Critical evaluation of the values of Self and Other relative to a standard; and 5) Identity development.

    Results indicate that through their written and oral discussions, the students’ choice of words constructed images of the person they are or wished to be perceived as while building an understanding of their own identities. This shows that language use does not necessarily reflect who one is but is used to contribute to the construction of one’s identities. We also observed that there exists a stage prior to the first stage in the ID-model, namely a “no-awareness” stage. Furthermore, our findings indicate that Stage 1 “Awareness of Self” occurs as two sub-stages: 1-a) Awareness of single identity; and 1-b) Awareness of having multiple identities. Our data also suggest that at one point, several students were offering different critical evaluations of Self and Other as a result of their own and the Japanese cultural standard not fitting the standard identity development model, suggesting that the multicultural nature of NNS-NNS interactions involving different L1 backgrounds can accelerate identity development.

  • 11.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, Japanese.
    Inose, Hiroko
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, Japanese.
    Investigating the use of the verbs ”naru” in Japanese and ”bli” in Swedish through translation2013In: Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies (NAJAKS): Abstracts for 2013, 2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates how use of the Swedish verb “bli” corresponds to the Japanese verb “naru” using translated materials as a corpus.  


    Japanese is said to be a situation-oriented language, while English is person-oriented.

              e.g., Mariko wa kekkon surukotoni NARImashita.

                       (It became so that Mariko will be married.)

                       ‘Mariko will get married’ in English.


    The Swedish verb ”bli” usually means ’to become’ or ’to be (as an auxiliary verb),’ yet is used more widely than these English meanings.

              e.g., Det blir 100 kronor, tack.

                       (100 kr ni NARI-masu.)

                       ’It makes/will be 100kr.’


    Examples like this lead to the observation that ”bli” is used in a context more similar to the Japanese verb ”naru.” than English verb “become.” Comparison of some translated materials also shows that “bli” is often translated into Japanese as “naru” while it is more likely to be replaced by a transitive or intransitive verb in English.


    However, erros such as

               *okoru ni NARU (verb ‘to be upset’+naru)

                  [okoru: a verb]

               *annshin ni NARU (noun ‘feeling at ease’ +naru)   

                  [annshin suru: a verb derived from a noun]

    which are made by Swedish learners of Japanese indicate that the translation of “bli” into Japanese is not so straight forward.


    In this study, we examined the following questions:

    1. How is ”bli” translated into Japanese/English?
    2. If ”bli” is translated into ”naru” in Japanese, in what grammatical context(s) does it occur?
    3. How are these variations related to the errors students make in translating ”bli” into  Japanese?


    In order to examine the above research questions, we conducted two separate studies:


    Study I: Examining how Swedish bli is translated into Japanese in literature translation


    Using children´s novels “Sommerboken” by Tove Jansson and “Pippi Långstrump” by Astrid Lindgren as the data source, all the sentences that contain bli were extracted along with their translations into English and Japanese. The extracted sentences were, then, categorized according to the various types of usage of the verb bli, and the translation into Japanese for each of those categories was analyzed.


    Study II: The translation of various uses of bli into Japanese by Swedish students


    Study I above showed usages of the verb bli in various context. In Study II, we tried to see if some of these usages cause more problems than the others for the Swedish students. The students in the Japanese-English translation course at Högskolan Dalarna (Sweden) were given 7 Swedish sentences containing various usages of bli, and were asked to translate them into Japanese. Then the accuracy of the translation and the translation techniques used were analyzed.


    The results from Study I showed that there were numerous usages of the verb bli, such as describing conditions, describing the changes of conditions, indicating certain emotional status, and so on, which naturally led to the variety in Japanese translation. Furthermore,  apart from the most literal translation, which is to use the verb naru, various types of compound verbs (main verb – help verb combinations) were used in order to express different nuances.


    In some of the usages identified above, translation shifts were obligatory when translated into Japanese; i.e. the literal translation was impossible, and the translator has to make minor changes from the ST (source text) to the TT (target text), such as changes of grammatical categories or of voice (e.g. passive to active).


    The results from the Study II show that the sentences which require more complicated translation shifts tend to cause more errors when students translate them into Japanese.


    Clarifying how the use of “bli” correlates with the use of “naru” will not only help Swedish students understand the use of the somewhat difficult concept of “naru,” but also help translators deal with this issue. Finding a more systematic way to translate “bli” into Japanese using more tokens from various genres would be necessary in order to achieve this.


  • 12.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Lee, Joseph
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Ädel, Annelie
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Garcia-Yeste, Miguel
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Perceptions of intercultural communication in multilingual Swedish workplaces: Findings from a pilot study2023Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Contemporary workplaces are often characterized by diversity, involving participants from multiple linguistic and cultural traditions (e.g., Angouri, 2014). In such settings, participants draw on their rich cultural assumptions and values to co-construct meaning (e.g., Takamiya & Aida Niendorf, 2019), as language use and communication patterns have been found to be inextricably linked to different group belongings. While diversity enriches workplace interaction linguistically and culturally, it also presents “communicative challenges to many employers and co-workers” (Holmes, 2018, p. 335). These communicative challenges include increased likelihood of miscommunication, social exclusion (Lønsmann, 2014), and limited interpersonal communication (Tange & Lauring, 2009). While considerable research has been devoted to understanding intercultural workplaces communication, little research exists on the linguistically and culturally diverse Swedish workplace. To gain greater insights into how diversity may enrich workplace interaction and the communicative challenges employees may experience, this pilot study explores employees’ attitudes to and beliefs about intercultural communication in the Swedish workplace. The pilot study is part of a larger project on digital professional communication in multilingual workplaces in Sweden. Five employees in managerial positions in Swedish higher education and corporations were interviewed. We adopt a critical intercultural communication approach, seeing “culture” as a dynamic concept, which employees may attribute to self and others, and (dis-)align with in different ways. Findings show that: (a) language competence in English is seen as indexing general competence; (b) categorisations of cultures are prevalent: Participants often view culture as synonymous with nation and point at differences between groups as a challenge to achieve effective communication; (c) identity and face are foregrounded: Some participants feel like a different person when using a different language, while others see a specific language as a way to adopt a different persona or professional role; and (d) culture and language are used to explain group dynamics (e.g., feeling as an outsider or as part of the group), and as tools to actively integrate or exclude others. The material has raised our awareness about not seeing the workplace as a monolith, but workplaces may be marked by internal variation when it comes to intercultural communication. 

    References   Angouri, J. (2014). Multilingualism in the workplace: Language practices in multicultural contexts. Multilingua 33, 1-9.     

    Holmes, J. (2018). Intercultural communication in the workplace. In B. Vine (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language in the workplace (pp. 335-347). Routledge.    

    Lønsmann, D. (2014). Linguistic diversity in the international workplace: Language ideologies and processes of exclusion. Multilingua 33, 89–116.    

    Takamiya, Y. & Aida Niendorf, M. (2019). Identity (re)construction and improvement in intercultural competence through synchronous and asynchronous telecollaboration: Connecting Japanese language learners in the United States and Sweden. In Zimmerman, E. & McMeekin, A. (Eds.), Technology-supported learning in and out of the Japanese language classroom: Theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical developments (pp. 111-145). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.    

    Tange, H., & Lauring, J. (2009). Language management and social interaction within the multilingual workplace. Journal of Communication Management 13(3), 218–232.     

  • 13. Alisaari, Jenni
    et al.
    Møller Daugaard, Line
    Dewilde, Joke
    Harju-Autti, Raisa
    Heikkola, Leena Maria
    Iversen, Jonas Yassin
    Kekki, Niina
    Pesonen, Sari
    Reath Warren, Anne
    Straszer, Boglárka
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    Yli-Jokipii, Maija
    Mother tongue education in four Nordic countries - problem, right or resource?2023In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 52-72Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    he Declaration of a Nordic Language Policy stipulates that all Nordic residents have the right to preserve and develop their mother tongue and their national minority languages. Hence, this article investigates the question of mother tongue education for linguistic minority students. Through four ‘telling cases’, the article explores how four Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, orient towards mother tongues, Indigenous and national minority languages in their educational policies. Drawing on Ruíz’ (1984) framework of orientations in language planning, we investigate the following question: In what ways are mother tongues framed as rights, resources, or problems in four telling cases of educational policy in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden? The analysis of the telling cases shows that although all four countries provide various forms of mother tongue education, thus apparently aligning with the intentions in the Declaration of a Nordic Language Policy, there are important differences between the provisions. Nevertheless, across the four countries, the official national languages are placed at the top of a language ideological hierarchy. The official national languages are followed by national minority languages as mother tongues. These languages are awarded rights but are not considered resources for the whole population (e.g., Ruíz, 1984). The Danish telling case inserts a supranational layer in the hierarchy, namely mother tongues with status as official languages in the European Union. The hierarchy of mother tongues thus reflects how some types of mother tongues are more readily granted rights and considered to be resources than others.

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  • 14.
    Almgren, Malin
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, English.
    Motivation in English language acquisition: English as a foreign language in upper secondary school2015Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is about students’ motivation to learn English and the aim is to find out if their scores on the national test can be correlated with their reported level of motivation. As English has become a global language, it is taught in Swedish school as an obligatory subject. When speaking about learning English, it is common to approach the subject of what motivates students to learn. Theories developed on the subject suggest that there are different kinds of motivation and this thesis focuses on integrative and instrumental motivation and the L2 motivational system, which have been said to be important aspects of motivation. The study was done by handing out a questionnaire to 45 students in an upper secondary school, containing statements and questions about their motivation to learn English, and then comparing their answers with their grades. When analyzing the results, it was found that there is a correlation between the answers to the statements and the students’ scores on the national test. The lower scoring students showed more tendencies to disagree with the statements while the higher scoring students more often agreed. These findings suggest that motivation can have a visible effect on students’ performance in English.

  • 15.
    Altybay, Dina
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Linking Adverbials in EFL and Native English-Speaking Students’ Master’s Theses in Education: A corpus-based comparative study2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Linking adverbials (LAs) are used to make semantic connections in spoken or written texts to connect authors’ ideas more smoothly and present them in a logical way; thus, they play an essential role in constructing cohesive, persuasive discourse. However, the successful incorporation of this linguistic feature in academic discourse may pose a challenge for EFL learners. Previous studies have shown that learners overuse, underuse, or misuse some linking adverbials semantically and stylistically. While many studies have investigated linking devices in written and spoken registers by speakers of various mother tongue backgrounds, little empirical research has been done on how Kazakh EFL students make use of linking adverbials in their academic writing. Moreover, because LA use tends to vary based on genre and register, more genre and discipline specific research is called for.

    This thesis aims to fill these gaps by taking a corpus-based Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis approach to expand our knowledge about the characteristics of texts composed by Kazakh EFL students by examining the frequency and functions of LAs and their possible usage pattern differences and similarities compared to native English-speaking students’ writing. The comparable corpora were compiled from 20 learner (Kazakh EFL students) and 20 native (USA) students’ master’s degree theses in the field of education. Results revealed that the overall frequency of LAs used by learner writers was slightly higher than native writers. However, the distribution of the different semantic categories was nearly identical. Regarding the overall LA types used and the top 20 LAs, considerable similarities were found. The findings could be useful for EFL/ESL academic writing instruction.

  • 16.
    Alvarez López, Laura
    et al.
    Stockholms universitet, Romanska och klassiska institutionen.
    Jon-And, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Portuguese. Stockholms universitet.
    Lexical and morphosyntactic features of a lexically driven in-group code2017In: Journal of Pidgin and Creole languages ( Print), ISSN 0920-9034, E-ISSN 1569-9870, Vol. 32, no 1, p. 75-103Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The present paper focuses on the speech of a rural Afro-Brazilian community called Cafundó, situated 150 km from São Paulo. In 1978, when linguistic data were collected, the community constituted approximately eighty individuals, descendants of two slave women who inherited their owners’ proprieties. According to earlier studies, when the inhabitants of Cafundó spoke in their supposed ‘African language,’ Cupópia, they used structures borrowed from Portuguese and a vocabulary of possible African origin. A lexical analysis shows that the etymologies match historical and demographical data, indicating that speakers of varieties of Kimbundu, Kikongo and Umbundu dominated in the community. Through a morphosyntactic analysis, specific features were found in the data, such as copula absence and variable agreement patterns. By showing that some of Cupópia’s specific grammatical features are not derived from the Portuguese spoken by the same speakers but are instead shared with more restructured varieties, this paper defends the hypothesis that this lexically driven in-group code is not simply a regional variety of Portuguese with a number of African-derived words.

  • 17.
    Andersson, Maria
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Conceptual Metaphors for Covid-19: An Analysis of Metaphors for Covid-19 in the Discourse of Political Leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Since the emergence of Covid-19 in December 2019, metaphors to talk about the pandemic have been extensively used in political discourse. This study aims to compare metaphors for Covid-19 in the discourse of political leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia by drawing upon three conceptual metaphors found by De la Rosa (2007). The following conceptual metaphors are investigated: DISEASE IS A WAR, DISEASE IS A NATURAL FORCE, and DISEASE IS A JOURNEY. To find metaphors for Covid-19, one corpus of transcribed political discourse was compiled for each country. The corpora were then searched using lemmas of words specific to each conceptual metaphor. By drawing upon conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) instances of metaphor usage were then analyzed. The frequency results showed the natural force metaphor to be the more frequently used in the UK and Canada corpora. In contrast, no occurrences of natural force metaphors were found in the USA or Australia corpora. The war metaphor was most frequently used in the USA corpus, and in the Australia corpus, the war and journey metaphor were used at similar frequencies. The findings of this study indicate that there is a difference in both frequency and choice of conceptual metaphors between the four corpora. The analysis also suggests that different metaphors can be used for different purposes.

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  • 18.
    Andersson, Tim
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Swedish as Second Language.
    Jag finns i klassrummet men inte i mitt läromedel: En genus- och queeranalys av tre läromedel i svenska som andraspråk på grundläggande vuxenutbildning2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta är ett examensarbete i ämnet Svenska som andraspråk som behandlar genus och heteronormativitet i skolämnet svenska som andraspråks läromedel. Studiens inriktning är mot den grundläggande vuxenutbildningen på Komvux. Den forskning som tidigare bedrivits i området kring genus och queer har länge fokuserat på klassrumsnära innehåll där man bland annat har undersökt talutrymme i klassrummet eller lärares förhållningssätt till genus. Detta har bidragit till att det inte fallit så mycket ljus över de materiel eleverna faktiskt läser i skolan. I denna studie vill jag bredda genus- och queer forskningen i den grundläggande vuxenutbildningen och även koppla in de läromedel som används.

    Insamlingen av empiri till studien har skett via kriteriebaserad kvalitativ sampling. För att analysera innehållet har jag använt mig av diskursanalys som jag kopplat queerteori till.

    Resultatet av studien var nedslående. Det märktes tydligt att biologiska kvinnor var underrepresenterade samt att kvinnorna på ett övervägande sätt beskrevs negativt. HBTQ-identiteter är i stor utsträckning marginaliserade och i de fall de förekommer är de totalt andrafierade. Den tidigare forskning som finns i ämnet från Norge och Australien visar liknande resultat med min studie. Slutsatsen är att vi i den svenska skolan behöver samla oss och göra läromedelsanalyser med ett queerperspektiv för att faktiskt belysa detta problem. Utan ett krafttag kring dessa frågor kommer vi ha svårt att skapa en jämlik skola som våra styrdokument ställer som krav.

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  • 19.
    Bradel, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, English.
    The use of and attitudes towards English as Lingua Franca among multilingual upper secondary pupils at international schools in Sweden2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years both the number of multilingual children and the number of international schools with English as the language of instruction have grown and continue to grow in Sweden. The aim of this study is to see how Swedish multilingual upper secondary students at international schools in Sweden use and perceive English as their language of communication. A questionnaire was used to investigate the students’ use of and attitudes towards ELF.

    The questions were divided into categories having to do with the importance of English, the students’ use of English, their attitudes towards English and effects on identity. The results showed that the English language plays an important role in the life of the majority of the participating students. They use English on a daily basis both for school and leisure activities and see the English language as an important, valued and natural part of their identities.

  • 20.
    Bychkovska, Tetyana
    et al.
    George Mason University.
    Lee, Joseph
    Ohio University.
    At the same time: Lexical bundles in L1 and L2 university student argumentative writing2017In: Journal of English for Academic Purposes, ISSN 1475-1585, E-ISSN 1878-1497, Vol. 30, p. 38-52Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This corpus-based study compares L1-English and L1-Chinese undergraduate students' use of lexical bundles in English argumentative essays, and identifies the most common bundle misuses in L2 student writing. Data consist of two corpora of student-produced argumentative essays: 101 high-rated essays written by L1-English students and 105 high-rated essays written by L1-Chinese students. Using Biber's (Biber et al., 1999; Biber et al., 2004) structural and functional taxonomy, we compared the forms and functions of four-word bundles used by L1-English and L1-Chinese university students. Findings indicate that L2 students not only use substantially more bundle types and tokens than L1 writers, but the structural and functional patterns of bundles also differ. While L1 writers' bundles consist of mostly noun and preposition phrases, L2 students use significantly more verb phrase (clausal) bundles. Results also show that L2 student writers use significantly more stance bundles than L1 writers. In addition, most of the misused bundles in the L2 writers' essays pertain to grammatical mistakes, particularly with articles and prepositions. We conclude with some pedagogical implications for ESL composition.

  • 21.
    Bychkovska, Tetyana (Tanya)
    et al.
    (independent scholar).
    Lee, Joseph
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Nominalization in high- and low-rated L2 undergraduate writing2023In: International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice, E-ISSN 2634-4610, Vol. 3, no 2, p. 135-158Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Nominalizations, or nouns derived from verbs or adjectives through suffixes, are a pervasive characteristic feature of written academic discourse. To better understand the nature of nominalization in L2 student writing and its relation to assessment in first-year writing (FYW) contexts, we report findings of a comparative corpus-based analysis of nominalization use in university student papers. Data consist of high-rated (A graded) and low-rated (C graded) L2 undergraduate research papers from multiple sections of an FYW course for international and multilingual students. Nominalizations were examined in terms of frequencies, unique types, abstract/concrete and human/non-human categories, nominal stance types, and modification types. Results reveal no statistically significant differences in the examined classifications. However, the small effect sizes for certain categories point to subtle differences between the two groups, which together might have affected the instructors’ evaluations of text quality. We conclude with suggestions for incorporating nominalization instruction in English for Academic Purposes writing courses.

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  • 22.
    Bådagård, Elsa
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, English.
    Dialectal Speech in Literature and Translation: Bachelor Degree Thesis in English Linguistics2012Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay studies how dialectal speech is reflected in written literature and how this phenomenon functions in translation. With this purpose in mind, Styron's Sophie's Choice and Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed using samples of non-standard orthography which have been applied in order to reflect the dialect, or accent, of certain characters. In the same way, Lundgren's Swedish translation of Sophie's Choice and Ferres and Rolfe's Spanish version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are analysed. The method consists of linguistically analysing a few text samples from each novel, establishing how dialect is represented through non-standard orthography, and thereafter, comparing the same samples with their translation into another language in order to establish whether dialectal features are visible also in the translated novels.

    It is concluded that non-standard orthography is applied in the novels in order to represent each possible linguistic level, including pronunciation, morphosyntax, and vocabulary. Furthermore, it is concluded that while Lundgren's translation intends to orthographically represent dialectal speech on most occasions where the original does so, Ferres and Rolfe's translation pays no attention to dialectology. The discussion following the data analysis establishes some possible reasons for the exclusion of dialectal features in the Spanish translation considered here. Finally, the reason for which this study contributes to the study of dialectology is declared.

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  • 23.
    Båstedt, Klara
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Spanish.
    Anglicismos en el español en México: Un estudio sobre uso y actitudes2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates the use of and the attitudes towards anglicisms in Mexican

    Spanish. Our aim is to find out whether and if so in what way the use and attitudes

    change according to the age and gender of the speaker. The study was carried out

    among 24 Mexicans living in the centre of Mexico who were divided into the age groups

    18-29, 30-54, 55+ as well as gender.

    The informants answered a questionnaire of which the first part investigated their use

    of anglicisms, the second part investigated their attitudes towards the same. In the first

    part, the participants were asked to choose between a common anglicism or its also

    frequently used Spanish equivalent. In the second part, the informants were requested

    to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement towards three negative and three

    positive affirmations about anglicisms.

    Our results show that the use of anglicisms is bigger in the youngest group of

    informants and decreases with the age of the participants. Also concerning the attitudes,

    we found a correlation with age where the two younger groups of informants express

    neutral attitudes towards anglicisms while the attitudes of the oldest group of

    participants are negative. Our results don’t show any differences between the genders

    neither in use nor in attitudes.

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  • 24.
    Calvo Fernández, Laura
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Análisis de errores gramaticales en el aula de ELE: Un estudio de la producción escrita y la producción oral en la escuela sueca2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The present study aimed to investigate and analyze the most frequent grammatical errors in both oral and written production, what causes the errors as well as the possible correlation that may exist between them by means of a quantitative and qualitative method.The sample selected to perform the investigation is composed of 23 students who study the eighth course in the primary Swedish school. The data analyzed are obtained by two corpus composed of 23 written texts and 8 audios.The process followed throughout the investigation consists of a deductive method applying the Error Analysis theory. The grammatical categories are divided into verbs, prepositions, articles, gender and number concordance. In addition, in order to get a deeper understanding of the results, global, local, coherent and idiosyncratic errors are investigated.The results show that the errors in the written production are more frequent than in the oral production and that the error percentages in each grammatical category differs, predominating the errors in verbs in both corpus as well as the local and idiosyncratic errors.

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  • 25.
    Casal, J. Elliott
    et al.
    The Pennsylvania State University.
    Lee, Joseph
    Ohio University.
    Syntactic complexity and writing quality in assessed first-year L2 writing2019In: Journal of second language writing, ISSN 1060-3743, E-ISSN 1873-1422, Vol. 44, p. 51-62Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study explores the relationship between syntactic complexity and writing quality in assessed source-based research papers produced by ESL undergraduate writers in a first-year writing course through a combination of holistic and fine-grained measures of complexity. The analysis is based on a corpus of 280 student papers across three grade tiers: high, mid, and low. A one-way MANOVA was used to explore the statistical significance of differences of five commonly used syntactic complexity measures (assessed using Lu’s Second Language Syntactic Complexity Analyzer, 2010) across these grade tiers. Results reveal little variation in clausal subordination and coordination, but statistically significant lower complex nominal densities, mean length of clauses (phrasal measures), and mean length of T-units (global measure) in low-rated papers. Analysis of complex nominal composition using the Stanford Tregex with differences assessed with a one-way MANOVA shows that the highest densities of complex nominal types are present in high-rated papers, with statistical significance in adjectival pre-, prepositional post-, and participle modification, and the lowest densities in low-rated papers. While clausal complexity did not demonstrate a relationship with assessed quality, both global and phrasal complexity features appear to be important components. We conclude with implications for syntactic complexity research and ESL composition pedagogy.

  • 26.
    Case, Megan
    Dalarna University, School of Education and Humanities, Education.
    Experiences of idiolect change among English speakers in Sweden2011In: Migration, Narration, Communication: Cultural Exchanges in a Globalised World / [ed] Witalisz, Alicja, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2011, p. 137-148Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 27.
    Colella, Gianluca
    University of Macerata .
    A proposito dei costrutti condizionali2007In: La lingua italiana. Storia strutture testi, ISSN 1826-8080, Vol. III, p. 147-157Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 28.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, Italian.
    Forme ibride del discorso riportato nella stampa e nella narrativa contemporanea2014In: Dall'architettura della lingua italiana all'architettura linguistica dell'Italia: Saggi in omaggio a Heidi Siller-Runggaldier / [ed] P. Danler and C. Konecny, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2014, p. 333-346Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, Italian.
    Il verbo: tra sintassi e semantica (§2.8 Modalità)2012In: Sintassi dell'italiano antico: la prosa del Duecento e del Trecento, Roma: Carocci editore, 2012, p. 55-68Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, Italian.
    Le proposizioni condizionali2012In: Sintassi dell'italiano antico: La prosa del Duecento e del Trecento / [ed] Dardano, Maurizio, Roma: Carocci , 2012, p. 381-412Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Italian.
    Miraco ovvero il piemontese e la miratività2022In: RumeliDe. Journal of Language and Literature Studies, ISSN 2148-7782, Vol. 31, p. 1546-1560Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The dictionaries of Piedmontese language published in the first half of XIXth century show that the word miraco ‘miracle’ [mi'raku] (< lat MIRACULUM) is not only grammaticalized as a marker of unexpectedness, but develops the epistemic meaning of ‘maybe’, ‘probably’. This phenomenon is apparently a unicum among the romance languages, and it shows a communality with typologically distant languages which express the so-called category of mirativity. Starting from the analysis of the attestations in the literary texts of XVIIIth and XIXth century (mostly theatrical comedies written in vernacular), this paper seeks to explore how the semantic development of this peculiar marker with a transparent etymology can be included in the typological debate on the category of mirativity and its links with evidentiality and epistemic modality.

  • 32.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Italian.
    On the expression of modality in Old Italian2015In: In-Traduções Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, ISSN 2176-7904, Vol. 7, no 11, p. 1-24Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 33.
    Crispi, Daniella
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Chinese.
    Does Study Abroad Impact Language Attitudes?: A Study of Chinese University Students2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    With the rise of globalization, knowledge of the English language and intercultural competence have become highly sought after skills. One method Chinese university students use to increase these skills is to study abroad. Positive language attitudes have been linked with language learning motivation and language proficiency, which in turn influence ability to understand and interact with the host culture. This study investigated the differences in language attitudes between female Chinese university students who live both abroad and in China. Their attitudes towards English and Mandarin were compared in terms of integrative and instrumental orientation. 15 students who study at different English-speaking universities in Europe and 20 students who study at different Mandarin-speaking universities in Mainland China responded to a 32-item Language Attitudes Questionnaire and 2 open-ended questions. The results of this study suggest that study abroad leads to more positive integrative attitudes towards English, while there were no statistically significant effects on attitudes towards Mandarin or on instrumental attitudes towards English.

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  • 34. Dardano, Maurizio
    et al.
    Frenguelli, Gianluca
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Italian.
    Per una tipologia del Discorso Indiretto in italiano antico2013In:  Actes du XXVIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, València, 6 – 11 septembre 2010, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2013, p. 861-877Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 35.
    Deichmann, Felix Valentin
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Strategies of Resistance in the Harold Shipman Trial Hearing2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This research paper will investigate linguistic strategies of avoiding the prosecution’s powerful questions during the Harold Shipman hearing. It will focus on closely reading two sample courtroom transcripts of direct examination and cross-examination question pairs by screening and identifying categories of resistance as proposed by Newbury and Johnson in 2006. The findings of this comparative analysis between direct examination and cross-examination support that strategies of resistance are primarily invested in cross-examination rather than during direct examination by Shipman’s own counsel. On a deeper level of analysis, this research will investigate occurrences of a linguistic evolution from the four categories of resistance clustered from weak resistance to strong resistance from “Avoidance” to “Correction” to “Contest” to “Refusal” and will show that a progression is a sign of an ever so more agitated state of mind of the plaintiff trying to resist the powerful questions. As the cross-examination transcript indeed shows progressive strategies of resistance, this research will also match the results with a second more dynamic model of linguistic representation based on Olsson and Luchjenbroers in 2022. The latter model informs us of the existence of linguistic strategies of aiming at moving targets motivated by unequal power relations between questioner and respondent before a court of law. The results of this study will shift from the mere act of pigeonholing difficult interrogative responses by means of a linguistic taxonomy model to an investigation of the dramatic shifts in question and answer pairs (interrogatives, declaratives and non-questions or statements) ultimately aiming to dismantle Shipman’s composure during cross-examination. As there is to date no linguistic analysis of the Shipman trial in the relatively new field of Forensic Linguistics, this model may invite for further research in interrogative strategies in courtroom studies.

  • 36.
    Dodig, Nikolina
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Watching TV and Second Language Learning: Effects of Input Modality on Incidental Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension Development2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Due to the limited time allocated to English language instruction in school settings, it is worth examining how out-of-class activities can enhance second language (L2) learning. With the greater availability of online English resources, there has been increasing research examining the effects of exposure to English video materials on incidental language learning. However, most research has focused on the effects of a limited amount of viewing exposure and in-class or supervised viewing. Thus, the present experimental study investigates the effects of extended out-of-class viewing of TV series in three different input modes (captions, subtitles, no subtitles) on L2 learners' incidental vocabulary and listening comprehension development. Fifty L1 Chinese university students learning English as a foreign language were divided into three condition groups. A pre- and post-test design was used to measure vocabulary and listening comprehension development. The findings suggest that watching TV series with subtitles and captions may be beneficial for vocabulary acquisition, with the effect being stronger for the caption mode, whereas listening skills might improve when watching TV series without any subtitles. The study offers implications for English language instructors as well as for learners wishing to improve their vocabulary and listening comprehension skills incidentally.

  • 37.
    Douglas, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, French.
    Le Programme d’études de français: Une étude comparative entre la Suède et l’Angleterre2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    As a future high school French teacher, with the hope to teach in both Sweden and England, a personal interest has developed in how French is taught. Therefore, a com-parative study has been made of the two syllabuses, with focus on high school. The thesis begins with an overview of the historical ties between the two respective coun-tries and France and a discussion why French is offered from a younger age in England than in Sweden. This is mainly due to the fact that French is a "second" language in England while in Sweden it is a "third" language and learning English is more im-portant.

    The main objective of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the French syllabus in Sweden and England, with the aim of analysing the significant differences between the two countries. Three aspects are discussed: the importance of giving teach-ers the freedom to decide the content of the course, the importance of teaching in the target language, and the benefits of exams.

  • 38.
    Emmanouil, Pantelia
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    The Use of Syntax and Lexicon Structures in Political Discourse: A Case Study of Boris Johnson’s Speeches on COVID-192022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In their book, Fairclough and Fairclough (2013) claim that political leaders’ main role is to make choices in difficult situations. Due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide, every political leader was called to make difficult decisions and to announce them to their respective public. As a result, there is plenty of new data to be analyzed from a linguistic perspective. The goal of this study is to explore and analyze Boris Johnson’s ten first speeches on Covid-19 addressed to the nation between the 3rd and 23rd March 2020 (from herd immunity policy to strict lockdown). The corpus was examined in terms of lexicon structures (personal pronouns and verbs) and syntax structures (modal verbs), which, according to van Dijk (1997), are persuasive techniques. The findings suggest that the extensive use by Boris Johnson of the personal pronoun ‘we’ (exclusive) as well as the use of the personal pronoun ‘I’ show his active involvement in the fight against Covid-19. This involvement is also corroborated through (a) his use of event verbs, which indicate a continuous action; and (b) his selection of modal verbs of obligation, which mostly follow the personal pronouns that refer to the Prime Minister and/or the decision makers. This paper concludes that syntax and lexicon structures were used in Boris Johnson’s speeches as tools of persuasive techniques.

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  • 39.
    Eriksson Albacke, Simon
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, English.
    The Media and Ferguson: Descriptions of the authorities and the demonstrators in the reporting of the riots in Ferguson2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to contribute to the research about ideology in media by examining how some newspapers described the authorities and the protesters during the first weeks of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. The study investigated to what extent the authorities and demonstrators were described in positive, neutral or negative ways, and whether there were any differences across four different newspapers (The LA Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Saint Louis Post-Dispatch). Articles written about the riots were selected from the four newspapers. The material was analyzed from the perspective of certain keywords in context, utilizing methods from critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, to see if negative or positive descriptions of either the authorities or the demonstrators were present. It was found that there were indeed differences in the way the authorities and the demonstrators were described, with all the large newspapers mostly describing the demonstrators in a positive way and the police in a negative way. The local newspaper was found to do the opposite, however. So while these newspapers might want to appear neutral, there is in fact ideology present in all of them, as they all chose to describe one party more favorably than the other.

  • 40. Feak, Christine
    et al.
    Cortes, Viviana
    Coxhead, Averil
    Cotos, Elena
    Lee, Joseph
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    batchelor, Jordan
    Mushi, Onesmo
    Qui, Xixin
    Publish or perish: Insights from the editors and student board of English for Specific Purposes2023Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    An overview of ESP Journal and the desk review (Section 1) 

    One of the most important steps in any submission to a journal is understanding and demonstrating how the article fits with the aims and scope of the journal. This section of the panel provides an overview of English for Specific Purposes and outlines the purpose (and challenges) of the desk review as the first element of peer review.

    The review process and responding to reviews (Section 2) 

    The review process has multiple steps and much of this work is largely undertaken in the ‘back room’ of the journal. In this section, we outline the various steps beyond the desk review and discuss the possible decisions on manuscripts which authors might receive, from accept through to reject. We also suggest ways to deal with responding to reviewers’ comments.

    Developing skills as reviewers through SEB membership (Section 3)

    This section begins with questions that an early career reviewer might have about carrying outa peer review. Our SEB members will discuss how they developed their various reviewing strategies, and how interacting with members of the ESP board during peer reviewing has helped with developing skills as reviewer and writer.

    Ways to become a reviewer (Section 4)

    This final section focuses on opportunities for becoming a reviewer as a postgraduate student or early career researcher. It also provides suggestions on possible traps to avoid in reviewing. The session ends with time for questions with the whole panel.

  • 41.
    Ferrer Domènech, Isabel
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Spanish.
    El uso del lenguaje de los jóvenes en la serie de televisión Élite de Netflix: Estudio de actitudes de un grupo de jóvenes reales2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Studying the use of language in television series is nothing new for Sociolinguistics studies. Tv-series copy the characteristics of a community so the audience identifies with the story and its characters. One of the elements copied is the use of language by this community. Tv-series so to speak, bring the use of language into every home and it can even cross frontiers between countries and create stereotypes of the use of language on an international level. This catches the interest of a lot of scientists, to perform studies based on this phenomenon and its contributions to the development of human language. This study has, within its limitations, observed the use of language by a group of youth in the Spanish tv-series Élite from the international platform Netflix. The main objective has been to study the attitudes of a group of young people towards some expressions used in the tv-series. To accomplish this, the study had to go through two phases. Firstly, and in order to select the expressions, there was a need to analyze the ones used in the series. The results from that analysis didn’t show big differences in how the youth from different socioeconomic status spoke. Secondly, a questionnaire was created. To limit the study, the expressions selected for the questionnaire were the most used ones by the group of young characters from the low socioeconomic status in the series. This meant that the informants were also going to be from a low socioeconomic status only. In summary, the results show how the expressions used in the television series Élite correspond with the preferences of the young informants that participated in the study. That means that the series had managed to copy the use of language of real youth. However, there was one expression which didn’t get a high frequency as the others in the analysis. Following the theory researched, that arouse a question of whether this expression will become a new linguistic trend thanks to the tv-series Élite.

  • 42.
    Fredriksson, Christine
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, German.
    Datorn i skolans språkundervisning - Ett elevperspektiv: En studie om svenska gymnasieelevers attityder till datormedierad kommunikation och inlärning av tyska2013In: Forskning om undervisning och lärande, ISSN 2000-9674, E-ISSN 2001-6131, no 11, p. 5-29Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna artikel presenteras resultaten från en pilotstudie om svenska gymnasieelevers användning av datorer i tyskundervisningen. Undersökningen hade som syfte att ta reda på hur eleverna upplever chattkommunikation som inlärningsverktyg jämfört med muntliga samtal som en traditionell kommunikationsform i språkundervisningen. Resultatet visar att båda kommunikationsformer upplevdes att ha väckt elevers vilja att kommunicera på tyska och ha utvecklat metakognitiv medvetenhet om det egna lärandet. Eleverna i chattgruppen var dock överlag mer positiva och mer medvetna om interaktionsformens positiva effekt på lärandet än eleverna i samtalsgruppen. Detta tyder på att modaliteterna och tillhörande interaktionserbjudanden i chatt verkar kunna ge bättre förutsättningar för att elever ska kunna utveckla kommunikativ kompetens i tyska. Studien visar också att eleverna efter experimentet använder sina datorer i väldigt liten utsträckning i sin tyskundervisning och främst i traditionella funktioner. Ett behov att implementera elevdatorer tillsammans med elever och lärare har identifierats.

  • 43.
    Fredriksson, Christine
    Dalarna University, School of Languages and Media Studies, German.
    Learning German by chatting: A study of social interaction and language production in an academic German online course2013In: Conference Proceedings ICT for Language Learning: 6th Conference Edition. Florence, Italy, 14-15 November 2013, Padova: Pixel , 2013, p. 218-222Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this presentation I will show my preliminary results from a research project about collaborative language learning in an academic online course in German. The study is based on a sample of 35 chat-logs from 30 students of different language background (Swedish or German as L1) and different levels of German proficiency, working on collaborative tasks in equal and unequal formations of triads or dyads. The data was collected in four of eight online seminars which were an obligatory part of a German literature course at a Swedish university. These seminars were conducted in private chat-rooms in MSN/Adobe connect. The students had to answer open-ended questions about the literature they had read, which they had prepared in advance. The results indicate that Swedish students with a lower level of German proficiency produce longer messages when interacting in formations with native speakers than with peers. On the other hand, interactional modifications or scaffolding where the attention was directed on form or meaning of the L2 overall occurred only to a small extend. This means that learners only get few opportunities to develop new L2 knowledge with the help of experts, a condition which is thought essential by researchers within a cognitive or sociocultural learning approach. Further study of the data reveals that the students frequently make use of imitation of whole utterances or parts of utterances of their collocutors. This strategy may help them to become more fluent in German and may also assist the development of more complex structures of the L2.

  • 44.
    Fredriksson, Christine
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, German.
    Strategien im L2-Erwerb. Eine kritische Diskussion.2014In: Moderna Språk, E-ISSN 2000-3560, Vol. 108, no 2, p. 17-44Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [de]

    Seit Selinkers Entwurf der Interlanguage Theory in den 70er-Jahren des 20. Jh. sind Lern- und Kommunikationsstrategien bis heute Gegenstand einer groβen Anzahl von theoretischen und empirischen Arbeiten innerhalb der L2-Erwerbsforschung gewesen. Als Prozesse, die direkt mit dem Lernen oder der kommunikativen Anwendung der Zielsprache in Verbindung gebracht werden, haben sie auch weiterhin einen groβen Stellenwert innerhalb kognitiver Ansätze, die nach fruchtbaren Erklärungen suchen, wie Lernende eine L2 bzw. Fremdsprache effektiver lernen und gebrauchen können, um ihre kommunikativen Ziele verwirklichen zu können. Bezeichnend für die vorliegenden Forschungsperspektiven ist jedoch ihre fehlende Verankerung innerhalb einer Spracherwerbstheorie sowie die isolierte Betrachtung von Lernstrategien, Kommunikationsstrategien und Diskursstrategien, die nicht auf ihr Zusammenwirken und damit auch nicht auf ihre situationelle und soziokulturelle Einbettung in Tätigkeiten in der L2 Rücksicht nimmt.

  • 45.
    Frid, Johan
    et al.
    Lund University.
    Gao, Man
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Chinese.
    Lundmark, Malin Svensson
    Lund University.
    Schötz, Susanne
    Lund University.
    Pitch-to-segment Alignment in South Swedish and Mandarin Chinese: A Cross-language Comparison2018Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 46.
    Friginal, Eric
    et al.
    Georgia State University.
    Lee, Joseph
    Ohio University.
    Polat, Brittany
    Roberson, Audrey
    The Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
    Exploring spoken English learner language using corpora: Learner talk2017Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This book presents a corpus-based study of spoken learner language produced by university-level ESL students in the classroom. Using contemporary theories as a guide and employing cutting-edge corpus analysis tools and methods, the authors analyse a variety of learner speech to offer many new insights into the nature and characteristics of the spoken language of college ESL learners. Focusing on types of speech that are rarely examined, this original work makes a significant contribution to the study and understanding of ESL spoken language at university level. It will appeal to students and scholars of applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, second language acquisition and discourse analysis.

  • 47.
    Fujimoto-Adamson, Naoki
    et al.
    Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Japan.
    Adamson, John L
    University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Exploring the supervisors’ writing experiences and their effects on undergraduate thesis supervisory practices: A comparison of Japanese and Swedish contexts2024In: Research in Comparative and International Education, E-ISSN 1745-4999, Vol. 19, no 1, p. 23-45Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study explored the effects of the writing experiences of supervisors on undergraduate English language thesis supervision, specifically focusing on the Japanese and Swedish tertiary contexts where English medium instruction (EMI) is delivered to students whose first language is not English. Employing a Collaborative Autoethnographic (CAE) approach, three teacher-researchers working at universities in Japan and Sweden jointly co-constructed their narratives about their own literacy practices in the historical development of their writing and current thesis supervision. Findings demonstrated limited influences of the teachers’ personal experiences on their practices, with social and educational norms in each country emerging as more significant factors. Particularly, the teacher-centeredness and exam-orientation were observed by the Japan-based supervisors to affect Japanese students, whereas the more horizontal relationship between students and teachers in Swedish education was reported as impacting university students’ autonomy in thesis writing. We concluded that in both tertiary EMI contexts, local embedded educational norms largely influenced teachers' supervisory practices.

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  • 48.
    Gallego Hernández, Antonio
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Spanish.
    Actitudes hacia el murciano: Un estudio comparativo de actitudes que presentan nativosmurcianos e hispanohablantes no peninsulares.2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Murciano is a non-standard variety that is spoken in Murcia, a region in the southeast of Spain.This study aims to investigate which are the attitudes toward the variety from the dimensions ofsolidarity and status.We will use two groups of informants. One integrated by 20 natives from Murcia who use thevariety, and the other by 16 non-spanish-natives that have never been in contact with murciano.The intention with the study is to investigate which attitudes both groups show towardmurciano and analyse the differences and similarities between them. We expect the natives toshow positive attitudes in the dimension of solidarity, and negatives in the dimension of status.We expect the non-natives to show the same kind of attidudes toward both varieties (thestandard-spanish and murciano) while they have never been in contact with the non-standardand therefore should not have the sociocultural background that help people to create negativeattitudes toward non-standard varieties.The chosen method is an indirect one, and the used technique is the matched-guise. Theinformants listen to two different voices talking two times each: one in standard-spanish andone in murciano. After they have listened to one voice in one variety they answer 10 differentquestions to measure their attitudes in the both dimensions we aim to investigate. The resultsare analysed from the gender and the education variables.The results show that the natives attitudes toward murciano are positives from the solidaritydimension but negatives from the status one, results that confirm the first hypothesis. However,the study shows that the non-natives also have negative attitudes toward the variety in the statusdimension but positive toward the standard-spanish, which means that the second hypothesiswas wrong, something that could have been caused by the fact that all non-natives had a higheducational-level. Other studies show that education is a factor that can have a bearing onhaving negative attitudes toward non-standard varieties.

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  • 49.
    Gao, Man
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Chinese.
    A gestural coordination model of tone, consonant and vowel alignment in Mandarin Chinese2010Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Gao, Man
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Chinese.
    Articulatory Phonology2024Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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