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  • 1.
    Aanstoot, Janna
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    Att mäta progression i svenska som andraspråkstexter2023Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte är att analysera hur texter skrivna av studenter i svenska som andraspråk på B-nivå förändras kvantitativt och kvalitativt över tid under sina studier vid Korta vägen, en uppdragsutbildningpå universitet och studieförbund beställd av Arbetsförmedlingen. Nio deltagare producerade en text i början av utbildningen och en i slutet av utbildningen och dessa texter analyserades med avseende på totalt antal ord, medellängd på meningarna (ord/mening = MLM), kvotbisatser vs huvudsatser samt andel felaktiga och svårbedömda satser. Resultatet visar att förändringen av antalet ord bedöms som signifikant på gruppnivå med en effektstorlek på mediumnivå (>0,5) (Cohen’s d = 0,511) mellan den första och andra texten. Vad gäller förändringen av medellängd på meningar över tid bedöms denna som signifikant på lägsta nivå (<0,2) (Cohen’s d =0,367). Den största förändringen som visar sig i studien är dock andelen bisatser vs huvudsatser där effektstorlek bedöms som stor (>0,8) och högst signifikant (Cohen’s d = 1,677). De kvalitativa lingvistiska fel som studenterna gjort har klassificerats i nio kategorier: 1. felaktig interpunktion, 2. problem med svensk ordföljd, 3. adverb uppfattas felaktigt som bisatsinledare, 4. bisats står ensam, 5. bisatsinledaren behärskas inte så studenten gör två huvudsatser, 6. behövlig satsdel saknas, 7. fasta uttryck behärskas inte grammatiskt, 8. inskjutning av ord som inte följer svensk syntax, 9. betydelsen av satsen är svårtolkad. I diskussionen anknyts till Bulté och Housens (2012) modell över språklig komplexitet samt processbarhetsteorin (Pienemann & Håkansson, 1999). Slutsatsen är att både längd och bisatser är en viktig del av progressionen i studenters andraspråkstexter men att kvalitativa felanalyser fortfarande krävs för att bedöma förändringens kvalitet.

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  • 2.
    Abdulmuslimova, Nurbika
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Möjligheter och utmaningar med webbaserad SFI-undervisning: En kvalitativ studie om sex lärares uppfattningar om fjärr- och distansundervisning på SFI kurs C under Coronapandemin 20202021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie är att skapa kunskap om SFI-lärares arbete kring webbaserad undervisning, samt vilka digitala verktyg de använder och på vilket sätt lärarna främjar språkinlärning, när det gäller muntlig interaktion och produktion och vilka metoder som används. Jag vill också ta reda på vad SFI-lärarna har för utmaningar och möjligheter med undervisning på distans.Den här studien bygger på den sociokulturella teorin. Metoden som används är kvalitativ. Materialet samlades med hjälp av enkäter som skickades via mejl till sex SFI-lärare från tre olika skolor. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att de tillfrågade SFI-lärarnas fjärrundervisningstimmar skiljer sig mellan 3h och 15h. Resultatet visade också att samtliga tillfrågade SFI-lärare använder Microsoft Teams och Lunis Liber som digitala hjälpmedel vid fjärr- och distansundervisning. Studien har även tydliggjort att vid webbaserad undervisning uppstår problem med teknik och dåligt nätverk. Samtliga tillfrågade lärare försöker använda den största delen av lektionen till att utveckla elevernas muntliga färdigheter och finner det väldigt utmanande på distans. I resultatet framgick också att samla bedömningsunderlag är mycket svårare på distans. Vidare visade resultatet att IT-support är önskvärt både för lärare och elever. Att genomföra prov, läxförhör och hörförståelse är något lärarna endast kan utföra på plats. De möjligheter med webbaserad undervisning som resultatet tog fram är: flexibilitet, besparing av tid, bättre elevkontakt, mer individ anpassad undervisning samt den digitala kompetensen utvecklas både hos lärare och elever. Avslutningsvis presenteras förslag till vidare forskning.

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  • 3.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    Liberating Berdyaev’s New Middle Ages from Duginism2024Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 4.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    الإنسانوية القصوى ومفهوم الدازاين في فلسفة ألكسندر دوغِن2023In: مثاقفات, ISSN 2732-4850, no 7, p. 80-89Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    الدين ودور الرموز الغريزية في اللاوعي الجمعيّ2022In: رواق ميلسون, ISSN 2757-8909, no 6, p. 165-175Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • 6.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    تاريخ اللاوعي: شيلينغ والوقوف عل حافة "الهاوية"2023In: مثاقفات, ISSN 2732-4850, no 8, p. 2-9Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • 7.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    تقنيات بلورة النص (شبه) الحُلمي عند إدوار الخراط: التخييليّ والتخيّليّ في "محطة السكة الحديد"2024In: نزوى, no 118, p. 76-90Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 8.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    خطاب اللاوعي في فصول من حياة جبرا إبراهيم جبرا2022Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [ar]

    لا شكّ في أنه من غير الممكن أن نتحدث عن أعماق حياة الإنسان من دون اعتبار الفتوحات المعرفية والملاحظات المدهشة التي أنجزتها كشوفات التحليل النفسي وعلم النفس التحليلي عند فرويد ويونغ وغيرهما من علماء النفس. وإذا كان هذا صحيحاً بشكل عام، فإنّه ولا ريب مثار اهتمام كبير حين يتعلق الأمر بالإبداعات الإنسانية من فنون وآداب وغير ذلك. ولكن الأكثر إثارة هو حين يلحظ المبدع عمل اللاوعي، الفردي والجمعي، بغض النظر عن التسمية التي قد يطلقها عليه: قوى الحياة، إرادة الكون، رسائل الوجود، إلى آخره. ولعلّه من الصواب القول إنّ هذا الوعي لما هو متعالٍ أو غير واعٍ أو فائق للعاديّ يترافق بإدراك للذات وتفرّدها وبتلمّس دورها التاريخي بوصفها شخصية غائيّة وعلاقتها بالزمان والمكان ليست عشوائية أو اعتباطية. هكذا إذن ينظر الإنسان إلى نفسه من منظور تاريخيّ، أي من زاوية حدس المعنى والغاية والرسالة.

    بهذا المعنى تبرز إشارات اللاوعي، الفردي والجمعي/الكوني، في فصول عديدة من حياة الروائي والناقد والكاتب الكبير جبرا إبراهيم جبرا، ويبرز وعيه الشخصي لكثير من هذه الإشارات، والتي سنتناولها في ضوء بعض المفاهيم والتصوّرات والتجارب الشخصية التي كشفها عالم النفس التحليلي السويسري كارل غوستاف يونغ.

  • 9.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    عن التفكير الموجّه والتفكير الهوامي عند كارل غوستاف يونغ: الذهن المرتبط بجذوره يدرك معنى حالته الجديدة2021Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Abou Dib, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    نقد الماركسية، الشخصانية ومفهوم السَبورنَست في ضوء فلسفة نيكولاي برديايف2022In: منيرفا, ISSN 2437-0703, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 102-116Article, review/survey (Refereed)
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    نقد الماركسية، الشخصانية ومفهوم السَبورنَست في ضوء فلسفة نيكولاي برديايف
  • 11.
    Abrahamsson och Amanda Wiberg, Denice
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish.
    Wiberg, Amanda
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish.
    Kriterier och planering i litteraturundervisningen: Svensklärares uppfattningar om den egna normkritiska litteraturundervisningen2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Skolverket (2023) har efter Regeringskansliets (2022) handlingsplan Agenda 2030 fått i uppdrag att stötta svensklärare i deras arbete att främja likabehandling. En del av det främjande arbetet är att öka normmedvetenheten i skolans undervisning. Skolverket (2023) menar att samtliga verksamma aktörer inom skolan ska vara medvetna om att de bör “Reflektera över den egna positionen och vad vi som skolpersonal tar med oss in i verksamheten.” (Skolverket, 2023). I den här enkätstudien undersöker vi hur 25 svensklärare uppfattar att de inkluderar ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt i sin litteraturundervisning. De frågeställningar som vi utgår ifrån är följande:• Vilka kriterier säger de utvalda svensklärarna att de utgår från gällande valet av skönlitteratur?• Hur beskriver de utvalda svensklärarna att de planerar litteraturundervisningen i relation till ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt? I genomförandet av studien har vi den normkritiska pedagogiken som det teoretiska ramverket. Vi har en hermeneutisk metodansats och genom en innehållsanalys identifierar vi viktiga beståndsdelar som resulterar i att besvara våra frågeställningar. Val av metod grundar sig i att vi eftersöker en förståelse för svensklärarnas uppfattningar. Studiens resultat påvisar att samtliga 25 svensklärare anser att deras litteraturundervisning berörs av ett normkritiskt förhållningssätt. Det framkommer att svensklärarna utgår från kriterier så som: betygskriterier, elevgruppen, ekonomi, tillgång till litteratur och tid. Respondenterna lyfter även att det är viktigt att de själva läst den text som eleverna förväntas läsa, vilket bidrar till att vissa lärare bygger upp en egen litterär kanon som de grundar sin undervisning på. Ett flertal av respondenterna menar att det krävs goda relationer mellan lärare och elev för att lämpliga litteraturval ska kunna göras. Resultaten påvisar att det finns kriterier som svensklärarna utgår från när de planerar sin litteraturundervisning. Dessutom har fem teman identifierats när svensklärarna redogör för vilka litterära verk de använder i sin undervisning. Vår slutsats är således att de 25 utvalda svensklärarna anser att de arbetar enligt Regeringskansliets mål gällande främjandet av en ökad normmedvetenhet i skolundervis-ningen.

  • 12.
    Abu-Deeb, Fadi
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    Was Berdyaev’s Philosophical Humanism Inhumane?2024Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 13.
    Adelqvist, Liselott
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Språkutvecklande arbetssätt på introduktionsprogrammet: Ämneslärarnas arbete för språkutvecklande arbetssätt i undervisningen2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    På introduktionsprogrammet går elever som är mellan 16-19 år gamla och som inte har bott i Sverige i mer än fyra år. Eleverna strävar efter att få betyg för åk. 9 i svenska som andraspråk, matematik och i engelska och i minst fem ämnen till. För att eleverna ska ha en möjlighet att klara av de stora utmaningar som de ställs inför måste ämneslärarna arbeta på med ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt i NO, SO och matematik och stödja eleverna i ämnesspecifika läs-och skrivaktiviteter. Lärarna behöver erbjuda adekvat stöttning för att elevernas kunskapsutveckling ska ske som leder till måluppfyllelse.Undersökningens syfte är att undersöka hur fem ämneslärare arbetar språkutvecklande på språkintroduktionen för att eleverna ska nå goda studieresultat. Studien utgörs av intervjuer och observationer, men även av enkäter som har delats ut till lärarna. Analysen är kvalitativ eftersom frågorna i enkäterna var öppna. Resultatet visar att lärarna mestadels har en medvetenhet kring språkets betydelse i sina ämnen. Eftersom de arbetar på språkintroduktionen har de en förståelse för att de måste lägga fokus på språket även om de arbetar som ämneslärare. Det finns dock stora variationer i hur lärarna arbetar med stöttning och att de har olika uppfattning i hur man stöttar eleverna bäst för att de ska nå goda studieresultat.

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  • 14.
    Ahlgren, Ella
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Translating Hamilton in Japanese: analysis of translation methods used in singable translations2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Singable translation of music is widely debated within the field. For some, singable translation is something a translator should not do, as it might require modification to the rhythm and melody which take the translated piece too far from the original. On the other hand, such translation is advocated by empathizing the importance of audience hearing and understanding the song in their own language.

    This paper examines and discusses the translation techniques used in a singable translation of the Broadway musical Hamilton, translated from English into Japanese. The musical has been officially translated for performing only in German, in contrast to another famous American musical, West Side Story, which by 2001 had been translated into 12 different languages, including Japanese (Gottlieb, 2001). However, according to Gen Parton-Shin, a Japanese-American actor working in the scene, the musical Hamilton is said to be impossible to translate into Japanese (2019). Through examining unofficial Japanese singable fan translations using Yoko Hasegawa and Peter Low’s established techniques and principles, this paper argues the statement to be false: the translators have found equivalent expressions to apply as their most often used translation technique, combined with frequent use of borrowed words and lines, it proves there are ways to convey the story in Japanese as well.

  • 15.
    Ahmad, Ramiar
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    The influence of yakuwarigo and gendered language on character portrayals: A case study of the Japanese translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, written by the prolific author J.K.Rowling, is a popular piece of fiction that has been adapted into a film as well as severalvideogames. The book has also been translated from its original English into dozens oflanguages, including Japanese. Translations can differ from their original counterparts,especially when the languages in question differ in their syntax and cultural norms. Thesedifferences can potentially alter the original author’s intended character portrayals.This project aimed to evaluate the effect of gendered language and yakuwarigo on charactervoices in the Japanese translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Fourcharacters – Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and McGonagall – were evaluated bymeans of their spoken dialogue in the book. The English lines of dialogue and their Japanesecounterparts were extracted from the book and analysed.The results of the dialogue-analysis show that the dialogue in the Japanese version of thebook was more gendered, and exhibited typical signs of role language. These findingswere corroborated through the use of separate questionnaires for Japanese and Englishparticipants. The questionnaires asked participants to determine the gender and role ofcharacters purely on the basis of certain lines in the book, with no external contextprovided. Japanese participants managed to identify both the gender and role of charactersmore accurately.

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  • 16.
    Ahokas, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    ”Viktigast att kunna prata. Lättare att skaffa vänner då.”: Nyanlända elevers upplevelser av undervisning på en mottagningsenhet2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien har genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer studerat yngre nyanlända elevers upplevelser av undervisning och social tillhörighet. Studiens specifika syfte är att undersöka upplevelser av undervisning och social tillhörighet, hos nyanlända elever i årskurs 4–6, under deras tid i en förberedande klass på en mottagningsenhet.

    Studien utgår från en fenomenologisk och hermeneutisk ansats eftersom den bygger på analyser och tolkningar av nyanlända elevers egna upplevelser av undervisning. Studien har också ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på andraspråksinlärning som utgångspunkt.

    I studien intervjuades sju nyanlända elever i årskurs 4–6. När intervjuerna transkriberats analyserades de och därefter gjordes en kategorisering av olika teman som tillsammans med studiens frågeställningar utgjorde grunden till studiens resultat.

    I resultatet framkommer bland annat att samtliga intervjuade elever uppskattade tiden i den förberedande klassen och ansåg det vara bra att ha påbörjat sin första tid i svenskskola där. Samtliga elever beskriver det också som positivt att få undervisning i olika ämnen i den förberedande klassen men svenska bör fokuseras på säger flertalet elever. Alla elever säger att de hade önskat utökad svenska i den förberedande klassen, dels genom fler lektioner i ämnet svenska, dels genom att tala mer svenska på lektionerna. Eleverna uttrycker ett särskilt behov av att arbeta mer med muntliga övningar. Just muntlig förmåga är också det som eleverna säger vara det viktigaste att lära sig i det svenska språket under den första tiden i svensk skola. De ämnen som eleverna säger vara viktigast att lära sig den inledande tiden är svenska och engelska. Dessa två ämnen ses som basämnen och är viktiga att kunna för att kommunicera med andra människor. Angående sociala förmågor i svenska önskar samtliga elever att de hade fått mer explicit undervisning om fasta fraser samt fått träna på dialoger som de hade kunnat använda vid kommunikation med jämnåriga.

    Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att de nyanlända eleverna som intervjuats är positiva till sin tid i den förberedande klassen på mottagningsenheten vilket stämmer väl överens med elevers åsikter i tidigare presenterad forskning. 

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  • 17.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Hibogowashakan no nihongo wo baitai to shita terekoraboreeshon ni yoru aidentitii no kouchiku 非母語話者間の日本語を媒体としたテレコラボレーションによるアイデンティティーの構築: Beikoku to suweeden no daigaku wo tsunaide米国とスウェーデンの大学を繋いで2022In: Hibogowashakan no nihongo wo baitai to shita terekoraboreeshon ni yoru aidentitii no kouchiku 非母語話者間の日本語を媒体としたテレコラボレーションによるアイデンティティーの構築: Beikoku to suweeden no daigaku wo tsunaide米国とスウェーデンの大学を繋いで / [ed] Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe (AJE), 2022, Vol. 25, p. 212-224Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [ja]


    異なったL1背景を持つ2つの日本語学習者グループの非同期記述式(ブログ)と同期口述式(オンラインディスカッション)コミュニケーション活動から得たデータをHoughton (2012)の異文化間対話モデル ( IDモデル) を枠組みとし、分析を行った。IDモデルは 以下の5段階から構成される:1) 自己分析; 2) 他者の分析; 3) 自己と他者の価値の類似性(または差異)の批判的分析; 4) 自己と他者の価値について特定の基準を参照した批判的評価; 5) アイデンティティーの構築。

    分析結果は、学生の選択する単語ひとつひとつが自身のイメージ又は他者に見られたい自分のイメージを形成すると同時に、自身のアイデンティティーへの理解を深めることに繋がっていることを示唆している。またIDモデルにおいても、1)に先立って「自己についての認識なし」という新たな段階の存在が見受けられた。更に1)の自己認識は、1-a) 単独アイデンティティーの認識、1-b) 複数のアイデンティティーの認識、の二つのサブステージを踏んで展開していくことも分かった。データによると、4)においても複数の学生がそれぞれ違った自己と他者に関する批判的評価をしていた。それは既存のアイデンティティー構築モデルが対応していない、自文化の基準と日本の文化基準の混在によるものと考えられる。つまり、異なるL1背景を持つ非母語話者同士の交流の多文化的性質はアイデンティティーの構築をより促進すると言えるだろう。また、本発表では、テレコラボレーションのマルチモーダル分析の可能性についても言及する。

  • 18.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Identity development in NNS-NNS telecollaboration using Japanese as a lingua franca and the potential of multimodal analysis of intercultural telecollaboration2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Recent studies of Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) demonstrate that authentic intercultural contexts can be achieved by the use of online tools so as to enhance students’ foreign language learning and identity development. While previous research on telecollaboration and identity has mainly focused on NS-NNS interactions, this study investigates various stages of identity construction through NNS-NNS telecollaborative interactions using Japanese as lingua franca. 

    The study (which was conducted together with a researcher in the U.S.) examines two sets of NNSs with different L1 backgrounds, namely NNSs of Japanese from universities in the US and Sweden. The project combines telecollaborative activities consisting of both asynchronous written (blogs) and synchronous verbal (online discussions) communication.

    The Intercultural Dialogue (ID) model (Houghton, 2012) was used to evaluate the outcome. The model consists of five stages: 1) Analysis of Self; 2) Analysis of Other; 3) Critical analysis of value similarities (or differences) between Self and Other; 4) Critical evaluation of the values of Self and Other relative to a standard; and 5) Identity development.

    Our findings indicate that through their written and oral discussions in Japanese, the students’ choice of words constructed images of the person they are or wished to be perceived as while building an understanding of their own identities. This shows that language use does not necessarily reflect who one is but is used to contribute to the construction of one’s identities. It was also observed that there exists a stage prior to the first stage in the ID-model, namely a “no-awareness” stage. Furthermore, our findings indicate that Stage 1 “Awareness of Self” occurs as two sub-stages: 1-a) Awareness of single identity; and 1-b) Awareness of having multiple identities. Our data also suggest that at one point, several students were offering different critical evaluations of Self and Other as a result of their own and the Japanese cultural standard not fitting the standard identity development model, suggesting that the multicultural nature of NNS-NNS interactions involving different L1 backgrounds can accelerate identity development.

    The potential and challenges of multimodal analysis of intercultural telecollaboration are also discussed.

  • 19.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Issues and Initiatives in Teaching a Course on Foreign Culture: The Case of a Japanese Culture Course at a Swedish University as an Example2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    While many universities offer foreign culture courses as part of their language programs, some of the materials and contents may promote stereotypes and essentialism. Although the definition of “culture” varies depending on field and context, students and teachers in foreign language classrooms commonly perceive culture unconsciously as national culture. Moreover, emphasizing cultural differences, a common practice in such courses, can also result in the formation of stereotypes. 

    Many of my students taking courses on Japanese culture are initially fascinated by the surface culture and especially pop culture, including anime, manga, video games, and music as well as food, literature, and language. It is not uncommon for such students to have already formed specific stereotypes or images of Japan from the media they consume. 

    This presentation will first introduce various ways of understanding culture. Thereafter, various challenges and initiatives involved in discussing foreign culture(s) with students will be shared using the course related to Japanese culture I teach at a Swedish university as an example. 

    Based on previous studies of teaching culture as part of foreign language instruction, my own practice as well as course evaluations by students, I will propose an optimal design for a culture course that does not promote essentialism from the following perspectives: (1) selection of teaching materials presenting various perspectives and encouraging critical thinking; (2) appropriate ordering of topics from deep- to surface-level culture; and (3) learners’ identities. Instead of defining what culture is, teachers can provide opportunities for questioning and discussing how culture is used and what people do with it while deepening students’ understanding not only of Japanese culture but also of the diverse culture that surrounds each student's daily life promoting pluriculturalism.  

  • 20.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Methodological challenges in multimodal analysis of synchronous digital intercultural communication: The case of Swedish-U.S. online exchanges using Japanese as a lingua franca2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    While synchronous online telecollaboration has been gaining popularity in foreign language education over the past few decades, both Multimodal Communicative Competence and Intercultural Communicative Competence have become increasingly important as a result of many educational institutions, business establishments, and governmental organizations being forced by the COVID-19 pandemic to switch their means of communication to online video conferencing systems.

    Although access to digital communication technology and tools allow more people to be part of intercultural communicative exchanges, it is suspected that a considerable amount of miscommunication is caused by mis- or non-understanding of the variety of modes used in synchronous digital communication due to differences in interlocutors’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds, which can affect verbal and prosodic elements such as speed, pitch, and intonation as well as non-verbal dimensions such as facial expressions, gaze, and gestures together with spatial aspects and the positioning of participants in the video frame.

    Existing methods of multimodal analysis of digital communication often deal with monolingual situations. Even in cases of analysis of intercultural communication, at least one of the participating parties use their native language. 

    The current study intends to fill the research gap seen in methodological issues concerning the analysis of multimodal, and (specifically) synchronous, digital intercultural communication when a non-native language is used by all participants as a lingua franca. To this end, methodological implications of multimodal analysis of synchronous digital intercultural interactions between Swedish and U.S. participants using Japanese as a lingua franca were explored, highlighting challenges that surfaced during the analysis of the data gathered for a separate study of identity development through online telecollaboration and focusing especially on the problems that may arise when a third language is used as means of communication between non-native speakers. 

  • 21.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Promoting Plurilingualism and Pluriculturalism in Commissioned Education for Adult Learners in Multinational Japanese-Swedish Workplaces2024Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There have been a number of studies dealing with the concepts of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in primary, secondary and university education, especially in the European context, as plurilingual and intercultural education have long been promoted by the Council of Europe. However, little discussion of these two concepts has taken place in the context of adult education targeting employees in multinational workplaces. 

    Due to the increasing number of companies purchased by or merged with a Japanese company in Sweden, the commissioned education course on “Communicating and Doing Business with the Japanese” I teach at our university has gained in popularity over the past several years. These multinational companies encourage managerial personnel to take such a course in the hope that they will learn the “Japanese way” of communication and conducting business. Despite their extensive experience living and working in other countries, with many of them capable of communicating in several languages at various proficiency levels, these learners often join the course with the expectation of molding themselves into something they are not. However, the course is designed to aid these learners in rethinking their identities as plurilingual- and pluricultural selves along with their roles in the multinational, multilingual company rather than learning to behave like Japanese business executives. This is implemented by first identifying their own plurilingualism and pluriculturalism of which they are initially unaware, followed by a critical analysis of the portrayal of how things are done the “Japanese way,” which is accomplished by exposing the learners to a variety of perspectives. A discussion of “culture” is also necessary as many of them consciously or unconsciously associate “culture” with “national culture.”

    In this practical report, I will introduce the initiatives used in this commissioned education course to induce pluricultural thinking before results of the thematic analysis of follow-up interview data from former course participants are presented to show how they further developed plurilingual and pluricultural competence in their workplace over several years after the course ended. These testimonies make it evident that plurilingual and pluricultural awareness should be encouraged in adult education. 

  • 22.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    文化は教えられるのか?: 「日本文化」に関するコースの課題と取り組み2024In: ヨーロッパ日本語教育Japanese Language Education in Europe: The Proceedings of the 26th Japanese Lanugage Symposium in Europe 17-20 August, 2023 Japanese Language Education - The 17th International Conference of the EAJS / [ed] Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe, Duisburg: Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe e.V. , 2024, Vol. 27, p. 347-357Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Can Culture be Taught? 

    Issues and Initiatives in Teaching a Course on Japanese Culture

    While many universities offer Japanese Culture courses as part of their language programs, some of the materials and contents may promote stereotypes and essentialism. Although the definition of “culture” varies depending on field and context, students and teachers in foreign language classrooms commonly perceive culture unconsciously as national culture. Moreover, emphasizing cultural differences, a common practice in such courses, can also result in the formation of stereotypes. 

    Many students taking courses on Japanese culture are initially fascinated by the surface culture and especially pop culture, including anime, manga, video games, and music as well as food, literature, and language. It is not uncommon for such students to have already formed specific stereotypes or images of Japan from the media they consume. 

    This presentation will first introduce various ways of understanding culture. Using the course related to Japanese culture I teach at a European university as an example, various challenges and initiatives involved in discussing Japanese culture with students will be shared. Based on previous studies of teaching culture as part of foreign language instruction, my own practice as well as course evaluations by students, I will propose an optimal design for a culture course that does not promote essentialism from the following perspectives: (1) selection of teaching materials presenting various perspectives and encouraging critical thinking; (2) appropriate ordering of topics from deep- to surface-level culture; and (3) learners’ identities. Instead of defining what culture is, teachers can provide opportunities for questioning and discussing how culture is used and what people do with it while deepening students’ understanding not only of Japanese culture but also of the diverse culture that surrounds each student's daily life.

  • 23.
    Aida Niendorf, Mariya
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Japanese.
    Lee, Joseph
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Ädel, Annelie
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Garcia-Yeste, Miguel
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, English.
    Perceptions of intercultural communication in multilingual Swedish workplaces: Findings from a pilot study2023Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Contemporary workplaces are often characterized by diversity, involving participants from multiple linguistic and cultural traditions (e.g., Angouri, 2014). In such settings, participants draw on their rich cultural assumptions and values to co-construct meaning (e.g., Takamiya & Aida Niendorf, 2019), as language use and communication patterns have been found to be inextricably linked to different group belongings. While diversity enriches workplace interaction linguistically and culturally, it also presents “communicative challenges to many employers and co-workers” (Holmes, 2018, p. 335). These communicative challenges include increased likelihood of miscommunication, social exclusion (Lønsmann, 2014), and limited interpersonal communication (Tange & Lauring, 2009). While considerable research has been devoted to understanding intercultural workplaces communication, little research exists on the linguistically and culturally diverse Swedish workplace. To gain greater insights into how diversity may enrich workplace interaction and the communicative challenges employees may experience, this pilot study explores employees’ attitudes to and beliefs about intercultural communication in the Swedish workplace. The pilot study is part of a larger project on digital professional communication in multilingual workplaces in Sweden. Five employees in managerial positions in Swedish higher education and corporations were interviewed. We adopt a critical intercultural communication approach, seeing “culture” as a dynamic concept, which employees may attribute to self and others, and (dis-)align with in different ways. Findings show that: (a) language competence in English is seen as indexing general competence; (b) categorisations of cultures are prevalent: Participants often view culture as synonymous with nation and point at differences between groups as a challenge to achieve effective communication; (c) identity and face are foregrounded: Some participants feel like a different person when using a different language, while others see a specific language as a way to adopt a different persona or professional role; and (d) culture and language are used to explain group dynamics (e.g., feeling as an outsider or as part of the group), and as tools to actively integrate or exclude others. The material has raised our awareness about not seeing the workplace as a monolith, but workplaces may be marked by internal variation when it comes to intercultural communication. 

    References   Angouri, J. (2014). Multilingualism in the workplace: Language practices in multicultural contexts. Multilingua 33, 1-9.     

    Holmes, J. (2018). Intercultural communication in the workplace. In B. Vine (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of language in the workplace (pp. 335-347). Routledge.    

    Lønsmann, D. (2014). Linguistic diversity in the international workplace: Language ideologies and processes of exclusion. Multilingua 33, 89–116.    

    Takamiya, Y. & Aida Niendorf, M. (2019). Identity (re)construction and improvement in intercultural competence through synchronous and asynchronous telecollaboration: Connecting Japanese language learners in the United States and Sweden. In Zimmerman, E. & McMeekin, A. (Eds.), Technology-supported learning in and out of the Japanese language classroom: Theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical developments (pp. 111-145). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.    

    Tange, H., & Lauring, J. (2009). Language management and social interaction within the multilingual workplace. Journal of Communication Management 13(3), 218–232.     

  • 24.
    Ali, Roni
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    Interaktion för språk- och kunskapsutveckling: En kvalitativ studie om muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i SVA klassrum på gymnasiet2022Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med studien är att undersöka SVA-lärares uppfattningar om tillämpandet av muntlig samt skriftlig interaktion i undervisningen i ämnet svenska som andraspråk. Studien har utgått från två frågeställningar där den ena var att undersöka vilka val lärarna gör för muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i undervisningen för språk- och kunskapsutveckling. Den andra frågeställningen har handlat om vilka för- och nackdelar lärarna ser med skriftlig/muntlig interaktion i undervisningen. Studien har baserats på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer där sju lärare i svenska som andraspråk ingått för att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningarna. Teorierna som studien har utgått ifrån är Vygotskijs sociokulturella teori och Bakhtins teori om diagolism. Två teorier som förknippas med hur andraspråkselever kan utveckla språket och kunskaper i skolan. Studiens resultat har visat att lärarnas val av skriftlig och muntlig interaktion i undervisningen har flera faktorer för språk- och kunskapsutveckling där det mesta pekar på fördelar, men att det även finns nackdelar. Lärarnas val och arbetssätt har delvis varit olikt varandra, men mycket visar på att lärarna gör liknande val.

  • 25. Alisaari, Jenni
    et al.
    Møller Daugaard, Line
    Dewilde, Joke
    Harju-Autti, Raisa
    Heikkola, Leena Maria
    Iversen, Jonas Yassin
    Kekki, Niina
    Pesonen, Sari
    Reath Warren, Anne
    Straszer, Boglárka
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    Yli-Jokipii, Maija
    Mother tongue education in four Nordic countries - problem, right or resource?2023In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 52-72Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    he Declaration of a Nordic Language Policy stipulates that all Nordic residents have the right to preserve and develop their mother tongue and their national minority languages. Hence, this article investigates the question of mother tongue education for linguistic minority students. Through four ‘telling cases’, the article explores how four Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, orient towards mother tongues, Indigenous and national minority languages in their educational policies. Drawing on Ruíz’ (1984) framework of orientations in language planning, we investigate the following question: In what ways are mother tongues framed as rights, resources, or problems in four telling cases of educational policy in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden? The analysis of the telling cases shows that although all four countries provide various forms of mother tongue education, thus apparently aligning with the intentions in the Declaration of a Nordic Language Policy, there are important differences between the provisions. Nevertheless, across the four countries, the official national languages are placed at the top of a language ideological hierarchy. The official national languages are followed by national minority languages as mother tongues. These languages are awarded rights but are not considered resources for the whole population (e.g., Ruíz, 1984). The Danish telling case inserts a supranational layer in the hierarchy, namely mother tongues with status as official languages in the European Union. The hierarchy of mother tongues thus reflects how some types of mother tongues are more readily granted rights and considered to be resources than others.

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  • 26.
    Almir Mer, Faika
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    The Disparity in Understanding Freedom within Diaspora: The Case of Najwa in Leila Aboulela’s Minaret2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 27.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    Illness Representations in literature: the example of the novel "ʾIjāṣat Mīlā"تمثلات المرض في الأدب، رواية إجاصة ميلا أنموذجاً2022In: AWL Online International Conference on Medicine in the Mirror of Arabic and World Literature. London (UK), December 2-4, 2022., 2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This research deals with Anorexia nervosa disorder in the novel ʾIjāṣat Mīlā, that portrays the impact of modern-day materialism and its effect on the emerging and spreading of some disorders to such an extent that it has become a phenomenon needing investigation. Because of a number of social and materialistic factors, this disorder deeply affects young people, who easily fall under the influence of social media.

    This research examines both the background of the disorder and the suffering that the main character of the novel goes through. It further investigates the effects of social media platforms and fora on young people, together with the role of literature in portraying the damages caused by their usage. The novel is examined through critical cultural theory, which searches for the hidden cultural significance of the phenomenon. The result of the study shows that ʾIjāṣat Mīlā can be seen as a sphere, comprising all the social changes that communication technology causes in the new generations.

  • 28.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    أنمـاط الميولات التحريفيــة في ترجمــة قصــة الطفــل وفــق نظريــة أنطــوان برمان: Types of ‘deforming tendencies’ in the translation of children’s books according to the theories ofAntoine Berman – a comparative study of selected examples of children’s stories translated from Swedish into Arabic.2024In: The Child Literature - مجلة أدب الطفل, ISSN 2773-367X, Vol. 2, no 1, p. 102-117Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article studies four children’s stories by the writer Gunilla Wolde that have been translated from Swedish into Arabic. The analysis is based on a comparison between the original text and the translated text according to the principles of translation coined by Antoine Berman. The French philosopher and theoretician of translation counts as one of the supporters of literal translation, the attention to the original text and the faithfulness to it. Berman rejects the ethnocentric way which makes the translator bring the text into his culture and language and counts that as a type of distortion of the text and he connects that with the ethical aspects of translation and the honesty expected of it. Berman named these type of changes ‘deforming tendencies’ and accounted for 13 different tendencies. This article aims at searching for the presence of these deforming tendencies in short texts written for children. The results show that parts of the selected samples contain literal translations but there are several examples of deforming tendencies. The deforming tendencies have been classified according to four of the tendencies mentioned by Berman: rationalization, clarification, expansion and ennoblement.

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  • 29.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    الأدب البيئي للطفلقراءة تحليلية في سلسلة حيوانات في دوامة الخطر لغسان شبارو: Children’s environmental literature. An ecocritical analysis of the Environmental Preservation Series children by Ghassan Shibārū2023In: The Child Literature - مجلة أدب الطفل, ISSN 2773-367X, Vol. 5, p. 1-16Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims at (reading and) analysing a selection of children's picture books stories within the critical framework of ecocriticism. The book series is entitled Environmental Preservation Series, Endangered Animals and comprises ten stories written by Ghassan Shibārū.The research relies on the theoretical foundations outlined by Lawrence Buell in his The Environmental Imagination. The study highlighted how this series of stories focus on scientific topics related to the environmental risks the planet is exposed to now, such as global warming, indiscriminate hunting and poaching, urban expansion, the use of chemical pesticides, and air, water and environmental pollution caused by the release of waste, gases, and oil. The stories present such environmental issues in a simple narrative form within the structure of the selected picture books. The research concluded that the theoretical framework of ecocriticism principles is suitable for these texts and that children's literature can contribute greatly to the building of the child's cultural literacy in relation to the environment and its possible dangers.

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  • 30.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    التشكيل السرديّ للشتات في رواية الإسكندرية 20502022In: oudnad.net, ISSN 1756-4212, Vol. 26Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [ar]

    يتأثّر الأدب عادةً بمتغيرات الواقع التي تفرزها مرحلة مضطربة سياسيّاً وتاريخيّاً، ويتمثّل هذا التأثّر في التشكيل الفنّي والدلالي للعمل الأدبي، ولعلّ هذا المبدأ، قد عاد بقوة إلى الدراسات النقدية التي خرجت من تأثيرات المذهب البنيوي الوصفي، ونظرتْ إلى الأدب على أنه نتاج علاقة مثمرة ودالة بين الفن والتاريخ. ولأنّ أدب الشتات قد كُتبَ في ظلّ ظروف غير طبيعيّة سياسياً واجتماعياً، ونشأ في محيطٍ آخر يحتوي على مشكلات عديدة تواجه الأدب من جهة والإنسان المنفي من جهة أخرى، فإن هذا النوع من الأدب اكتسب مزايا في التشكيل الفنيّ والمضموني، يحاول هذا البحث أن يتناولها من خلال دراسة رواية "الإسكندرية 2050، وهي رواية غنية بأحداثها وشخصياتها وأفكارها، فهي تتيح إمكانية قراءات متعددة، لما تحتويه من موضوعات متنوعة ومتشابكة مع بعضها بطريقة فنية لتشكّل الهيكل الفني للرواية.

  • 31.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    تمثلات المرض في الأدب، رواية إجاصة ميلا أنموذجاً Illness Representations in Literature: The Example of the Novel "ʾIjāṣat Mīlā"2023In: Arabic and World Literature: Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ISSN 2753-3662, Vol. 2023, article id AWL‐393Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This research deals with Anorexia nervosa disorder in the novel ʾIjāṣat Mīlā, which portrays the impact of modern-day materialism and its effect on the emerging and spreading of some disorders to such an extent that it has become a phenomenon needing investigation. Because of a number of social and materialistic factors, this disorder deeply affects young people, who easily fall under the influence of social media. This research examines both the background of the disorder and the suffering that the main character of the novel goes through. It further investigates the effects of social media platforms and fora on young people, together with the role of literature in portraying the damages caused by their usage. The novel is examined through critical cultural theory, which searches for the hidden cultural significance of the phenomenon. The result of the study shows that ʾIjāṣat Mīlā can be seen as a sphere, comprising all the social changes that communication technology causes in the new generations.             

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  • 32.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    دلالة الكلمة بين المعنى المعجمي والمعنى السياقي: دراسة تطبيقية في قصيدة "النائمة في الشارع" لنازك الملائكة2024In: oudnad.net, ISSN 1756-4212, Vol. winter, no 31Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [ar]

    كانت الدلالة موضوعاً خصباً وحقلاً مثيراً للاهتمام في دراسات اللغويين والفلاسفة، وصارت هدفاً لكل تلك الدراسات لارتباطها بنظريات الإدراك والمعرفة. لقد ارتبطت الدلالة في الدراسات اللسانية الحديثة بنظريات عديدة، وسوف يركز بحثي على النظرية السياقية كما وضع جذورها قديماً، اللغويون والبلاغيون العرب كعبد القاهر الجرجاني، وكما أرسى مبادئها في العصر الحديث العالم البريطاني فيرث بنظرية أطلق عليها: النظرية السياقية، والتي أخرجت الدلالة من مجالها النحوي التركيبي إلى مجالات أكثر سعة من ذلك التركيب على الرغم من أهميته التي لن نتغافل عنها بالتأكيد. سأتناول في هذا البحث السياق بأنواعه المختلفة التي حددها اللغويون مثل: أحمد مختار عمر وتمّام حسّان وأحمد محمد قدور: السياق اللغوي، والسياق العاطفي، والسياق الثقافي، وسياق الموقف، والوظيفة التي تؤديها هذه السياقات لتشكيل دلالة الكلام، وسوف أقوم بفحص تلك المستويات السياقية من خلال تمثلاتها في البناء اللساني لقصيدة: النائمة في الشارع، لنازك الملائكة.

  • 33.
    Al-Rubaye, Nejood
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    Berg, Lovisa
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    Danial, Bianca
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Arabic.
    دليل المدرّسين في طرائق تدريس العربية: تطبيقات في تدريس القواعد والأدب وطرائق التقييم2021Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [ar]

    Lärarhandledning i arabisk didaktik – litteratur, grammatik och bedömning 

    Boken är ett läromedel avsett för modersmålslärare i arabiska och består av åtta kapitel som behandlar didaktiska frågor rörande grammatik och litteraturundervisning samt bedömning.

  • 34. Al-Saedi, Mariam
    Translation from Arabic into English of the short story "A Love that I do not Love" by Mariam al-Saedi2022In: Y'alla - A Texan Journal of Middle Eastern literature / [ed] Levi Thompson, Mathew Chovanec, Merve Tabur, Blake Atwood, Adriana X. Jacobs, Austin, Texas (USA): Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas at Austin , 2022, 2Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 35. al-Sayegh, Adnan
    Translation from Arabic into Italian of two poems from the collection "Under a Strange Sky" by Adnan al-Sayegh2022In: ArabPop: Rivista di Arti e Letterature Arabe Contemporanee / [ed] Chiara Comito, Fernanda Fischione, Anna Gabai, Silvia Moresi, Olga Solombrino, Napoli: TAMU EDIZIONI , 2022, p. 26-27Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 36.
    Altybay, Dina
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Linking Adverbials in EFL and Native English-Speaking Students’ Master’s Theses in Education: A corpus-based comparative study2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Linking adverbials (LAs) are used to make semantic connections in spoken or written texts to connect authors’ ideas more smoothly and present them in a logical way; thus, they play an essential role in constructing cohesive, persuasive discourse. However, the successful incorporation of this linguistic feature in academic discourse may pose a challenge for EFL learners. Previous studies have shown that learners overuse, underuse, or misuse some linking adverbials semantically and stylistically. While many studies have investigated linking devices in written and spoken registers by speakers of various mother tongue backgrounds, little empirical research has been done on how Kazakh EFL students make use of linking adverbials in their academic writing. Moreover, because LA use tends to vary based on genre and register, more genre and discipline specific research is called for.

    This thesis aims to fill these gaps by taking a corpus-based Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis approach to expand our knowledge about the characteristics of texts composed by Kazakh EFL students by examining the frequency and functions of LAs and their possible usage pattern differences and similarities compared to native English-speaking students’ writing. The comparable corpora were compiled from 20 learner (Kazakh EFL students) and 20 native (USA) students’ master’s degree theses in the field of education. Results revealed that the overall frequency of LAs used by learner writers was slightly higher than native writers. However, the distribution of the different semantic categories was nearly identical. Regarding the overall LA types used and the top 20 LAs, considerable similarities were found. The findings could be useful for EFL/ESL academic writing instruction.

  • 37.
    Alzoubi, Reem
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Flerspråkiga repertoarer i sfi: En undersökning av hur vuxna elever med en tidigare hög utbildning integrerar sina språkliga resurser i sfi2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna studie används en kvalitativ metod för att utforska elevernas syn på sin användning av sina språkliga resurser i sfi. Tre elever från två olika skolor i södra Sverige har intervjuats om sin syn på sina språkliga resurser för utvecklingen av svenska i svenska för invandrare (sfi). Semistrukturerade intervjuer valdes som undersökningsmetod för att ge en djupare förståelse av elevernas tankar och erfarenheter gällande språkinlärning, vilket berikar vår förståelse av ämnet. Teoretiskt används transspråkande teori för analys av studiens empiriska material. Jag valde transspråkande teori eftersom den är relevant för att förstå flerspråkig utbildning och elevers integration av olika språkliga resurser. Jag drar av denna studie slutsatsen att de intervjuade eleverna i studien upplever att deras språk spelar en viktig roll i deras lärande av svenska i sfi. De upplever sina språkliga resurser som en viktig hjälp i denna process. Deras språkliga resurser fungerar som en hjälp och underlättar deras förståelse och inlärning av det nya språket.

    En ytterligare slutsats som kan dras från studiens resultat är att språkinlärning är en komplex process. Den påverkas av en mängd faktorer, inklusive likheter och skillnader mellan språk, förvirring över ord med olika betydelser, samt utmaningar med uttal och alfabet. Studiens resultat betonar komplexiteten i språkinlärning. Alla eleverna säger att de använder digitala verktyg som Google Translate och lexikon som hjälp för att förstå svenska. Detta visar att användningen av digitala verktyg är en användbar inlärningsstrategi som kan vara en viktig resurs för språkinlärning.

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  • 38.
    Amamou, Menel
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    A critique of racism and colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 39.
    Amenan Yao, Eve Maria
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TICE) en classe defrançais langue étrangère (FLE) en Suède: Une étude qualitative2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Today, we live in a new era in which new information and communication technologies (ICT) are often used in all areas of life. These new technologies are also being introduced into the Swedish education system to enable pupils to develop their digital skills and be able to navigate in a digital environment in order to participate fully in the Swedish and the international society. Furthermore, in order to open up to the world, Sweden offers its pupils the opportunity to learn several foreign languages. In this study, we have focused on one of these foreign languages, French as a Foreign Language (FFL). The fact that Swedish students are used to ICT drew our attention to how these digital tools could be used by the language teacher (FFL) when preparingand teaching French as a Foreign Language (FFL). We also wondered in what ways FFL teachers use these resources to motivate FFL students. In order to answer these two questions, ten teachers answered a questionnaire, and three teachers answered an interview. According to the 13 teachers, the use of ICT in FFL classes contributes to a varied and structured teaching. They also point out that the activities in which ICT is used create a nice atmosphere that stimulates the motivation of students in FFL class. However, teachers point out the fact that the use of ICT can be a distraction in the FFL classroom and a path to the disappearance of printed textbooks.

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  • 40.
    Amilon Rogerstam, Elin
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish.
    Kårelind, Clara
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish.
    Att utveckla läsmotivation i undervisningen: En empirisk studie som undersöker hur en grupp svensklärare arbetar med läsmotivation2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den senaste PISA-mätningen uppvisade de lägsta siffrorna sedan mätningens start år 2000 när det kommer till läsförståelse. Läsmotivation är en viktig del i att få barn och ungdomar att läsa litteratur och således utveckla läsförmågan, läsförståelse innefattat, och är därmed relevant inom svenskdidaktik. Mot bakgrund av detta syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur en grupp svensklärare beskriver hur de i undervisningen arbetar med att främja elevers läsmotivation. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 11 lärare i årskurs 7–9. Resultatet visar att lärarna upplever att såväl läsmotivation som läsförståelse idag är bristande och många av lärarna beskriver också hur de anpassar sin undervisning utifrån det. De mest framträdande metoderna i undervisningen, utifrån lärarnas beskrivningar, är att arbeta gemensamt med litteraturen, både när det kommer till läsningen i sig och uppgifterna kopplade till den. Litteraturen i sig och dess innehåll är även av vikt där lärarna bland annat framhåller att det är viktigt att hitta litteratur som intresserar och relaterar till eleverna, samt litteratur av rätt svårighetsgrad. Det resultat denna studie pekar på är relativt överensstämmande med den tidigare forskningen som lyfter såväl gemensam läsning och vikten av att använda litteratur som passar eleverna. Många av undervisningsmetoderna lärarna nämner kan relateras till den motivationsteori som används i denna studie, Self-Determination Theory, som framhåller att det för motivationen är viktigt att elever får känna att de lyckas och därmed känna kompetens, samt att elever motiveras av att känna samhörighet.

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  • 41.
    Amouna, Abdullah
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety among EFL Leaners in Swedish Lower Secondary Schools2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Language anxiety (LA) is “the worry and negative emotional reaction when learning and using a second language and is especially relevant in a classroom where self-expression takes place” (Gregersen & MacIntyre, 2014, p. 14). In the present study, particular attention is drawn to the development of students’ communicative competence and speaking proficiency in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) classrooms. The prevalence and effects of foreign language speaking anxiety (FLSA) were examined among Swedish EFL lower secondary school students, reporting the triggers of foreign language anxiety (FLA) and FLSA from the perspective of pupils and teachers. A mixed-methods approach was applied to collect data from pupils (N=273) where a self-report questionnaire, a modified version of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) operationalised originally by Horwitz, Horwitz, and Cope (1986) is administered, plus open-ended semi-structured interviews with open-ended and closed questions were conducted with pupils (N=67) and teachers (N=5). The participants were grouped into three categories: low, medium and high anxiety, based on their scores. The results showed that 26% of the participants were assigned as low anxious learners; 59% of the students experienced medium levels of FLSA and 15% of the pupils were highly anxious language learners. Interviews with pupils and teachers explored the effects and the sources of the FLA and FLSA on pupils’ oral and general English language proficiency (fear of negative evaluation (FNE), affective variables, grades, teachers, classmates, pronunciation, and classroom atmosphere), noting that some pupils reported that monologic genres such as long episodes of speaking, evaluation situations and giving an oral presentation present the most anxiety-provoking contexts in EFL lessons.

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  • 42.
    Andersen, Jonathan
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Spanish.
    Un estudio de actitudes hacia el uso del lenguaje inclusivo enmujeres de Bogotá, Colombia2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 43.
    Andersson, Malin
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    ”Allt bygger ju på ord”: Ordinlärning på SFI ur ett lärarperspektiv2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Ordinlärning är ett viktigt område vid tillägnandet av ett språk. Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka fem SFI-lärares upplevelser av att arbeta med ordinlärning. Studien utgår från två frågeställningar: lärarnas didaktiska metoder och de utmaningar de upplever när det kommer till att undervisa om ord. För att besvara dessa frågor har kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lärare genomförts. Det insamlade materialet har sedan analyserats med en innehållsanalys där ytterligare kategorier har utarbetats. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna ihög grad genomför explicit ordundervisning med hjälp av bland annat bilder, fysiska föremål, översättning och ordlistor. Utmaningar som beskrivs är bland annat vissa typer av ord som ligger nära varandra i betydelse, prepositioner och sammansättningar. Det som lärarna upplever som utmanande kan vara att göra ordinlärningen motiverande och att den inte får upplevas som barnslig då målgruppen är vuxna. En annan utmaning som beskrivs är att möta alla individers behov.

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  • 44.
    Andersson, Maria
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Conceptual Metaphors for Covid-19: An Analysis of Metaphors for Covid-19 in the Discourse of Political Leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Since the emergence of Covid-19 in December 2019, metaphors to talk about the pandemic have been extensively used in political discourse. This study aims to compare metaphors for Covid-19 in the discourse of political leaders of the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia by drawing upon three conceptual metaphors found by De la Rosa (2007). The following conceptual metaphors are investigated: DISEASE IS A WAR, DISEASE IS A NATURAL FORCE, and DISEASE IS A JOURNEY. To find metaphors for Covid-19, one corpus of transcribed political discourse was compiled for each country. The corpora were then searched using lemmas of words specific to each conceptual metaphor. By drawing upon conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) instances of metaphor usage were then analyzed. The frequency results showed the natural force metaphor to be the more frequently used in the UK and Canada corpora. In contrast, no occurrences of natural force metaphors were found in the USA or Australia corpora. The war metaphor was most frequently used in the USA corpus, and in the Australia corpus, the war and journey metaphor were used at similar frequencies. The findings of this study indicate that there is a difference in both frequency and choice of conceptual metaphors between the four corpora. The analysis also suggests that different metaphors can be used for different purposes.

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  • 45.
    Andersson, Sebastian
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Scanlation vs. Official Translation: A Case Study on Tokyo Ghoul2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    When comparing official translations and scanlations (fan-translation) the discussion often leads to the method of translation, namely foreignization and domestication. This study seek out to compare the official translation, by Vizmedia, to the scanlation done by Twisted Hel Scans, of the manga Tokyo Ghoul. The translations were compared to see if some different tendencies in their translation choices could be found. As well as looking for differences, the accuracy was also analyzed to see which translation had the higher accuracy. The results showed that the official translation leaned more towards a domesticated approach but did use some foreignizing aspects as well. The scanlation was leaning much heavier towards a foreignizing approach in which the translators tried to keep the original sentence structure and also tried to transfer Japanese cultural terms into the translations. The scanlation overall had a worse flow of the text when compared to the official translation, and it also presented more translation errors. 

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  • 46.
    Annaklara, Björk
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Sprechangst und positive Emotionen im DaF-Unterricht: Empirische Studie der didaktischen Ausgangspunkte2024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [de]

    Diese Examensarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Fragestellungen, wie Lehrkräfte im schwedischen gymnasialen DaF-Unterricht Fremdsprachenverwendungsangst dämpfen, Foreign Language Enjoyment fördern und anhand welcher didaktischen Ausgangspunkte dies geschieht. Mit einer qualitativen Methode wurden 3 Lehrkräfte befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die häufige Verwendung derZielsprache, eine kooperative Atmosphäre im Klassenraum, ein variierterLehrinhalt und eine Lernatmosphäre, in der Fehler ein natürlicher Bestandteil des Unterrichts sind, alle eine Rolle spielen.

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  • 47.
    Apostolou, Dimitrios
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Mandarin lexical tone perception by native speakers of Greek2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines the perception of Mandarin lexical tones by native speakers of Greek who are naïve to Mandarin. Being able to discriminate between Mandarin lexical tones is essential for effective and accurate communication in the language. While there is an increasing number of research studying the perception of Mandarin tone by speakers from various backgrounds, the Greek language has not received much attention. By employing an AXB discrimination task, this study tested the perception of Mandarin tone pairs T1-T2, T1-T4, and T2-T3 by native speakers of Greek. Due to their acoustic similarity, these three pairs are often found to be the most confusing tone contrasts for non-native listeners of Mandarin. Greek speakers (NG) had the highest accuracy for T1-T2 (0.88), and similar accuracy rates for T1-T4 (0.83) and T2-T3 (0.82). Subsequently, the Greek speakers were divided into two groups based on their experience with learning or playing a musical instrument, as this is a factor that has been shown to affect tone perception. Compared to non-musicians (NG1), the group of musicians (NG2) had higher accuracy rates for T1-T2 and T1-T4, and a similar accuracy rate for T2-T3. For NG1, from easiest to hardest, the accuracy rates were: T1-T2(0.93)>T1-T4(0.92)>T2-T3(0.82). For NG2, the accuracy rates were: T2-T3(0.82)≥T1-T2(0.82)>T1-T4(0.74). These findings could improve our understanding in regard to the factors that can affect the perception of Mandarin lexical tone by native Greek speakers, which might contribute to language pedagogy. 

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  • 48.
    Arena, Alexandra
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Chinese.
    A Hyperreal Chinese Society: An Analysis of Xia Jia’s Six Views of a Spring Festival with Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis examines Xia Jia's short story Six Views of a Spring Festival through the lens of Jean Baudrillard's theory of hyperreality. The story, set around the time of a Spring Festival in near-future China, juxtaposes traditional Chinese culture and customs with modern technologies, offering a microcosm of the ongoing societal changes in contemporary China. By employing Baudrillard's framework, the thesis explores how the simulacra and simulations depicted in the story create a hyperreal environment where the distinction between reality and its representation becomes indistinguishable. This analysis also examines how the short story portrays a China affected by deep changes caused by rapid economic and technological development. Xia Jia’s employment of holograms and other technologies as simulacra highlight the impact advanced technologies has on the Chinese daily lives. At the same time, her narrative serves as commentary on the prevalence of consumer culture in contemporary China. Driven by both consumerism and technological progress, a hyperreal Chinese society is emerging. The research wishes to contribute to the growing field of Chinese science fiction studies by highlighting how the genre can function as a tool for understanding the complexities of contemporary Chinese society.

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  • 49.
    Ariza Gomez, Luis Angel
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning.
    Los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva en los manuales didácticos de ELE: Un análisis de los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva en los manuales didácticos para la en señanza del ELE en elpaso 32024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [es]

    Los manuales didácticos son de gran importancia tanto para los estudiantes como para los maestros; sin embargo, la falta de preparación del profesorado con respecto a los manuales educativos ha sido un tema de debate en los últimos años. En este estudio se presentan resultados sobre los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva en los manuales didácticos de ELE. La investigación tiene como finalidad analizar los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva en los manuales didácticos que se utilizan para la enseñanza de ELE, específicamente, en el paso 3. Además, analizaremos las percepciones de los profesores y alumnos de bachillerato en relación con los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva en los manuales. El método empleado en este estudio ha sido el análisis de corpus. El análisis se centra en seis categorías principales: el ámbito, eltipo de respuesta esperada, el tipo de texto oral, la contextualización, el número de hablantes y, finalmente la duración de la grabación. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que en los manuales analizados hay un predominio del ámbito público, mientras que el ámbito profesionaly educativo no tienen representación alguna. Además, se puso en evidencia la falta de contextualización en los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva de los manuales de Caminando 3 y Vistas 3. En relación con la percepción de los profesores y los alumnos, los resultados muestran una discordancia de opiniones en lo que se refiere a los ejercicios auditivos. 

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  • 50.
    Aronsson, Mattias
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, French.
    Au diable le gorille ! Les chansons de Georges Brassens en traduction suédoise2022In: Revue musicale OICRM, ISSN 2368-7061, Vol. 9, no 2, p. 116-133Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article investigates Swedish translations of Georges Brassens’ chansons. The aim is to establish what translation methods have been used when the songs were transferred to the target language and covered by Swedish artists. Ten target texts have been analyzed using Johan Franzon’s (2021) system of classification of popular songs in translation. Seven target texts stayed faithful to the source texts and were classified as “Near-enough translations.” The three remaining target texts did not resemble the source texts at all and were classified in the category “All-new target lyrics.” A tendency towards a higher degree of fidelity in the song translations was observed from the 1980s and onwards.

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