The purpose of this paper is to estimate willingness to pay and consumer surplus
for the Peace & Love festival 2016 and then compare it to an earlier study of
willingness to pay and consumer surplus for the Peace & Love festival 2011. The
study of the festival year 2011 is written by Dahlqvist and Laham (2016). The
study of the festival year 2016 is done by means of a regression analysis. The
analysis is built on data from a survey conducted during the festival. The visitors
self-reported total budget, which is the dependent variable, is treated as their
maximum willingness-to-pay. The independent variable gender was found not to
be statistically significant,
ceteris paribus, while income has a positive effect on
the total budget by an average of 281 SEK per income group of 10 000 SEK
(monthly and before taxes). Furthermore, it was found that a tourist spends in
average 652 SEK more than a non-tourist. Moreover, if the respondents paid the
ticket themselves it affects the total budget negatively by an average of 1 695 SEK
while the number of days they spent at the festival increases the total budget by an
average of 413 SEK for each day. Lastly each additional year of age decreases the
total budget with 17 SEK, on average. When the ratio between an independent
variable and a dependent variable is described, every other independent variable is
presumed to be held constant,
ceteris paribus. Visitors average willingness to pay
was estimated at 2 223 SEK per visitor and 31 122 000 SEK for all 14 000 visitors.
Average consumption was estimated at 2 444 SEK per visitor and 34 211 965 SEK
for all visitors. Additionally, the consumer surplus is estimated at -221 SEK per
visitor and for all visitors the consumer surplus is estimated at -3 089 965 SEK,
which means a change of -130 percent from the year 2011 when the estimated
consumer surplus was around 37 million SEK.