This is a theological study exploring views of gender, nature and God as articulated in the ecofeminist theologies of Anne Primavesi, Catherine Keller and Carol Christ. The author takes ecofeminist theology to be a meeting-place for ecophilosophy, feminism and religion. The aim is to explore tensions and problems within each theologian's work as well as areas where they are more in congruence. Taking her departure from the results of the analysis, the author suggests that there are some problems that should be further discussed and standpoints that need to be qualified in the ongoing development of ecofeminist theology.Methodologically, the categories of gender, nature and God are analysed on three different levels. 1.Points of departure - the theories and analytical views that shape each category. 2.Worldview - symbols, metaphors and further explanations of the character of each category. 3.Context - the three theologians' choice of problems and alternatives in "real life" according to each category. The analysis shows that there are tensions in the conceptualisation of nature, for example between feminism as a human-centred perspective on one hand, and deep ecological and ecocentric approaches on the other. There are also tensions between the concept of God and ecocentric approaches. Lines of thought that are congruent are, for example, that body or female experience must be reclaimed. Nature, humanity and spirit are seen by all three theologians as being deeply integrated in space or place. Problems that need to be further discussed and developed are, for example, the perspective of values according to the points of views of humanity and nature, and the weak connections to the Western context.Key-words: ecofeminism, ecofeminist theology, goddess, thealogy, Anne Primavesi, Catherine Keller, Carol P.Christ
The feminist critical deconstruction of Western culture and theology voiced by Luce Irigaray represents a certain branch of ecofeminist perspectives on religion. This article analyses the symbolic structures of suppression of women, body and nature, and the exaltation of spirit, culture and the androcentric God inherent in four hymns included in the new supplement (2006) to the Hymnal Book of the Church of Sweden. The analysis shows thet these symbolic structures of suppression are visible also in these more recent hymns, although they are at the same time challenged within the same texts
Privilegiet att tolka och utveckla teologi och etik har traditionellt legat hos män. En genusvetenskapligt baserad utgångspunkt är att detta på olika sätt har inverkat på tankegångar inom teologi, texttolkning och etik. I den här boken ställs frågan på vilket sätt forskare med ett genusperspektiv problematiserat och utvecklat teologiska idékomplex, texter och etiska teorier.Boken ger en historisk översikt av hur den feministiska teologin etablerats och utvecklats, och exempel på hur den idag samverkar med interkulturella, postkoloniala och miljömedvetna perspektiv. I boken ges grunderna för genusmedveten texttolkning, liksom exempel på hur traditionella tolkningar har problematiserats av feministiska teologer och exegeter. Boken åskådliggör också feministiska perspektiv på etik, och visar hur de kan återverka på teologiska frågeställningar. Kön, teologi och etik är den första mer omfattande svenska översikten av feministisk teologi och etik. I första hand vänder sig boken till studenter i religionsvetenskap vid universitet och högskolor. Den är lämpad också för lärarstudenter i religionsvetenskap
Research on gender aims to contribute towards a better society with the help of scientific tools. Change is therefore a key concept in gender studies. With a wide range of theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches and empirical materials from Sweden, Norway and Iceland, this book investigates how gender relations are shaped, reproduced, and challanged. Collectively, the papers in this volume point to where we are heading in terms of gender relations. Where are the seeds to change, and how does power make possible or impede on change?