This paper gives an overview of several aspects of visualization for city planning as they were used in the projectViSuCity. The overall objective of ViSuCity is to develop an effective web-based, interactive visualization demonstrator,ViSuCity, to support sustainable city planning in terms of information sharing, analysis, development,presentation and communication of ideas and proposals throughout the city planning processes. In this paper, wediscuss and show some results regarding LOD, scalability, streaming, and examples of visualization of roads, etcthat are important for city planning.
Choosing alternative corridors for the Norrbotniabanan by the use of Multi-Criteria Analysis
During 2002-2003 a pre-feasibility study of a possible Norrbotnia railway is conducted. Norrbotniabanan is a new coastal railway, between Umeå-Luleå-Haparanda, in total some 400 km of line. An important part of this study is to identify potential corridors and select corridors for further investigation. This is done in a dialogue with local authorities throughout the study. Due to the number of possible corridors and possible combinations along the line Umeå - Robertsfors – Skellefteå – Piteå – Luleå – Boden – Kalix - Haparanda the final number of alternatives is quite large. In general choosing some ”best” alternative is not an easy task, when many alternatives occur. Many effects have to be taken into account e.g. construction cost, time savings, various impacts on environment etc. Many of these impacts cannot easily be incorporated into a traditional cost-benefit analysis, nevertheless they play an important role in decision making. Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a suitable decision aid tool in such a planning situation. As part of the Norrbotniabana study a simple MCA was carried out. A set of criteria for selecting alternatives was identified. At a seminar with participants from regional and local planning authorities and other interested parties, these criteria were evaluated for each alternative on a simple score from 1-5. Afterwards the relative importance of each criteria was estimated. This was done in groups. The consequences of these scores and weights were then analysed in the PC-tool Decision Criterium Plus. The presentation will report the results of the Multi Criteria Analysis and comment on the lessons learned from the practical use of MCA in the planning process. During 2002-2003 a pre-feasibility study of a possible Norrbotnia railway is conducted. Norrbotniabanan is a new coastal railway, between Umeå-Luleå-Haparanda, in total some 400 km of line. An important part of this study is to identify potential corridors and select corridors for further investigation. This is done in a dialogue with local authorities throughout the study. Due to the number of possible corridors and possible combinations along the line Umeå - Robertsfors – Skellefteå – Piteå – Luleå – Boden – Kalix - Haparanda the final number of alternatives is quite large. In general choosing some ”best” alternative is not an easy task, when many alternatives occur. Many effects have to be taken into account e.g. construction cost, time savings, various impacts on environment etc. Many of these impacts cannot easily be incorporated into a traditional cost-benefit analysis, nevertheless they play an important role in decision making. Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) is a suitable decision aid tool in such a planning situation. As part of the Norrbotniabana study a simple MCA was carried out. A set of criteria for selecting alternatives was identified. At a seminar with participants from regional and local planning authorities and other interested parties, these criteria were evaluated for each alternative on a simple score from 1-5. Afterwards the relative importance of each criteria was estimated. This was done in groups. The consequences of these scores and weights were then analysed in the PC-tool Decision Criterium Plus. The presentation will report the results of the Multi Criteria Analysis and comment on the lessons learned from the practical use of MCA in the planning process.
The conditions for people who work in underground facilities has, to a very limited extent, been the subject of serious discussion, problem analysis or research. Knowledge within this subject area is, as a result, very limited (Chapter 2). A framework of reference which demonstrates the factors which influence human beings' reactions to spending periods of time underground and how these factors interact needs to be developed (Chapter 3). A more extensive expansion of underground space where human beings will spend periods of time ought not to be explorated before more is known about the effects that can occur and the causes of these effects. If after thorough consideration it is decided to site an activity underground, the underground space must be dimensioned and designed in such a way that disadvantages, for example lack of windows and reduced accessibility can be compensated for to the greatest extent possible (Chapter 4). Continued R and D work on these problems must be carried out (Chapter 5).
Ecological footprint (EF) analysis was used to determine whether so-called eco-living in Sweden differs from conventional living. The study involved two elements: (1) calculations of material and energy needs for constructing an eco-house in Toarp and a standard house in Oxie, southern Sweden; and (2) EF analysis of consumption patterns in households from Toarp and Oxie. A difference of only 10% was observed in the comparison of the building materials between the two houses. Building materials represent less than 5% of the annual EF in Toarp and Oxie. There was no significant difference in the EF between the two towns. The average annual EFs are 2.8 ha per person and 3.7 ha per person in Toarp and Oxie, respectively. Food consumption and energy consumption for housing (space heating and electricity use) are the largest contributors to the EF in Toarp and Oxie. These factors are almost equal in size and constitute 75% of the total EF in both Toarp and Oxie.
Femton hinder för hållbar stadsutveckling
Delegationen för hållbara städer tillsattes av regeringen för perioden 2008–2012 för att genomföra olika åtgärder som bidrar till förbättrade förutsättningar för utveckling av hållbara städer. I delegationens uppdrag ingick att undersöka vilka eventuella system och strukturer som kan utgöra hinder för hållbar stadsutveckling och identifiera förslag till åtgärder och lösningar. Den 28 juni 2012 lämnade delegationen denna rapport till regeringen.
FFS SPECIAL-skrift som lyfter fram goda exempel på tvärsektoriell energismart samhällsplanering, presenterar olika modeller, angreppssätt och planeringsverktyg som stöd för energismart planering samt kortfattat summerar den svenska delen av SPECIAL samt FFS SPECIAL-teams reflektioner kring projektet och uppmaningar om vad som behöver göras inom den svenska samhällsplaneringen.
Arbetet utgår från de problem i arbetsmiljön som påvisats i de senaste årens livliga miljödebatt. Dess syfte är att ge både teoretiska och praktiska hjälpmedel för beskrivning och utformning av industriell arbetsmiljö utifrån de arbetandes krav. Arbetet är brett upplagt och anknyter till dokumentärskildringar och systematiska undersökningar av industriell arbetsmiljö]ö samt aktuell forskning inom olika arbetsvetenskaper.
Arbetsmiljökrav har beskrivits för olika arbetssituationer som förekommer i mekaniska verkstäder samt aktiviteter i anslutning till arbetet, tex förflyttningar, omklädning och paus. Hur kraven kan tillgodoses i den fysiska miljöutformningen analyseras med hjälp av en strategi för problemlösning som utvecklats i arbetet. Strategin innebär i korthet att lösningar på kravkonflikter söks genom successiv kombination av olika medel alltifrån politiska insatser till teknisk utformning. Tyngdpunkten ligger på problemlösning med fysisk-rumsliga medel.
De hjälpmedel som utvecklats i detta forskningsprojekt är avsedda att kunna användas vid utformning av arbetsmiljö i direkt samarbete mellan projektörer och brukare. Projektörens förändrade roll i ett sådant brukarinriktat utformningsarbete diskuteras bl a mot bakgrund av den förändring i arbetarskyddslagstiftningen som ger de arbetande möjlighet alt delta i planeringen av sina arbetslokaler.
Arbetet vänder sig till samhällsplanerare, projektörer, skyddsombud, fackföreningsfolk m fl som är intresserade av eller sysselsatta med arbetsmiljöfrågor. Vår förhoppning är att underlagsmaterialet skall vara användbart i fortsatt forsknings- och utvecklingsarbete, utbildning och praktisk projektering.
Digital visualization tools are widely used in planning nowadays around the world by various contributors to the field and in different planning scales. Visualization facilitates perception of underlying thoughts and objectives of planning alternatives and consequently assists with communication of the plan to different stakeholders. This, in turn, enables them to actively and efficiently participate in the procedure from the very initial stages to the implementation phase thanks to the insight provided by user-friendly visualization tools. Available visualization tools for planning, however, are either not integrated and efficient enough or too resource- or expertise-demanding and thus not entirely fulfilling the qualities mentioned above. This study is a search for a conceptual framework for an integrated web-based visualization tool. Web-accessibility diminishes temporal and spatial distance among the users and planning agents and provides the possibility for more participation in and interaction with planning projects. Within this study, major characteristics of an integrated tool have been investigated through literature, online resources, contacts with experts and practitioners, a survey over off-the-shelf products and comparative analysis of the outcomes. An evaluation cube was initially developed and used as the basis for provision of a set of dual criteria. A selection of visualization tools were examined against those criteria and results were demonstrated visually. Eventually, findings were used to provide a back-casted example of the integrated tool.