Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka nyföretagares motivgrund för val av företagsform avseende formerna ekonomisk förening och aktiebolag. Syftet är också att söka belysa några av de skillnader i bemötande som finns gentemot företagare vilka bedriver sina verksamheter i formerna ekonomisk förening respektive aktiebolag. Bakgrunden till studien är en rådande uppfattning om att ekonomiska föreningar ibland inte bemöts och behandlas på samma sätt som andra företagsformer vid kontakt med intressenter. Många ekonomiska föreningar är verksamma inom den s.k. sociala ekonomin och då den sociala ekonomin i Sverige är en växande sektor, både vad gäller antal sysselsatta och omsättning, där den sistnämnda uppgår till ca 350 miljarder om året, är ämnet intressant att undersöka.
I studien genomfördes djupintervjuer med företagsrepresentanter från åtta ekonomiska föreningar samt sju aktiebolag samt ett företag med erfarenhet från bådadera. Respondenterna fick bl.a. besvara frågor med avseende på vilka motiv de haft för valet av företagsform, hur de upplevt bemötande från intressenter samt vilka för- och nackdelar de upplever sig ha fått av sitt val.
Från svaren framkommer att flera av de som driver ekonomiska föreningar gör detta för att de känner att det är bra alternativ om man vill driva företag tillsammans samt om man vill ha en, vad de uppfattar, mer demokratisk form för sitt företagande. Formen sågs också som ett hjälpmedel för att skapa delaktighet och ett bättre samarbete. Med formen ekonomisk förening kom även nackdelar som inte upplevdes hos aktiebolagens företrädare. De främsta nackdelar som framkom var att vissa intressenter, t.ex. banker och kreditinstitut bemöter ekonomiska föreningar med skepsis; det finns en osäkerhet kring vad formen medför och innebär. Det framkom även att viktiga intressenter och aktörer har en okunskap om ekonomiska föreningar vilket kan påverka bemötandet negativt. I vissa fall lämnar inte affärssystem och rutiner något utrymme för att hantera ekonomiska föreningar.
HR analytics (HRA) is a new activity within the field of HR that companies recently have shown a strongly growing interest in. The practical interest has generated a stream of research with the aim to increase formal knowledge about the phenomenon. Following this development several early literature reviews have been conducted. They mostly focus on enabling and preventing factors for HRA without clearly relating to theoretical perspectives and standpoints. This paper therefore aims to achieve more in-depth formal knowledge by placing the early flow of HRA research in relation to the practice theory reflecting the general “practice turn” in social sciences. Inspired by the HRM-as-practice framework this paper systematically reviews existing research based on the four pre-defined categories: HRA practices, HRA praxis, HRA practitioners and intersections between them. This paper makes two theoretical contributions. First, it conceptualizes HRA-as-practice, describing what practices are involved in HRA, by whom and how they are enacted. And second, it suggests that HRA technology, HRA outcomes and HRA hinders and facilitators might act at the intersections between the three elements.
Prescriptive strategy theories have previously led to conclusions that sawmill firms lack strategy. However, by using Ansoff’s(1979) explorative capability approach, we contribute the finding that the Swedish sawmilling sector underwent threeunobserved strategy transformations between 1990 and 2005. These transformations, their triggers and outcomes were:Market channel strategy transformation. The shock of poor financial results in the “unexpected” downturn of the early 1990striggered a break with traditional agents, who had been the sector’s sole market channel. Instead, firms established their ownmarket channels, and built direct relationships with customers. Product value adding strategy transformation. Informationabout customers’ needs triggered a transformation in the sector’s offerings - from wet commodities to specified goods, whichwere of higher value to customers. This involved firms enhancing their production capabilities in the mid 1990s. Service valueadding strategy transformation. Triggered by perceived new SCM opportunities, firms enhanced their distribution logisticscapabilities around 2000 so that they could offer customers specific logistics and distribution services.These three strategy transformations occurred in all sampled firms. Each firm had strategy nuances, regarding its choice ofcustomers and its offerings. The findings also reveal that establishing customer relationships was a key development: product andservice value adding strategy transformations were often facilitated by cooperating with customers. Moreover, customerinteractions provided a basis for managers to increasingly see the unique value of their firm’s particular resources and capabilities;and, focus their business activities on customers who specifically value those attributes. This new interpretation of sawmill firmstrategy illustrates the need for applied researchers to assess contemporary theoretical debates, and select analytical frameworksthat can give new insights into actual practices.
Improving the energy performance of existing buildings is crucial for reaching both EU and national climate and energy targets. The main objective of this study was to map challenges that Swedish housing owners perceive when making energy-efficiency refurbishments. A secondary objective was to compare how well these challenges relate to national strategies. The study applied a combined methods approach with audience response meters and in-depth qualitative semi-structured interviews. The housing owners express the view that they have sufficient knowledge of national ambitions to improve the energy performance of buildings and welcome the new building regulations. Despite this supposed knowledge and the current economic situation with beneficial loans, the refurbishment rate still remains low. The housing owners explain that they are concerned about the ‘performance gap’ and request more accurate energy performance predictions. They are also waiting for proof that all sustainability goals can be reached in reality. Probably, too few projects fulfilling ambitions in all categories: economically, socially and energy-wise have been followed up and demonstrated nationally. The new national information centre on refurbishment of buildings may help to spread information about such projects, raise awareness and thus increase the refurbishment rate.