Bakgrund Trycksår är en sårskada i huden som är vanligt förekommande inom hälso- och sjukvården. Det finns många effektiva åtgärder gällande trycksår som används för att undvika onödigt lidande och vårdskador. Därför behöver sjuksköterskor förbättra förebyggandet och hanteringen av trycksår genom ökad förståelse för sårläkningsprocessen, genom preventiva åtgärder och nutritionsbehandlingar.
Syfte Syftet är att undersöka hur effektivt god nutrition är vid läkning av trycksår. Ett sekundärt syfte är att mäta samband mellan nutrition och trycksår.
Metod En litteraturöversikt besvarar syftet genom en sammanställning av vetenskapliga artiklar. Databaserna CINAHL och PubMed har använts för att söka artiklar. Resultatet baseras på 17 relevanta artiklar. Nästan alla artiklar som analyserades var kvantitativa, en var kvalitativ med starka kvantitativa drag.
Resultat Litteraturöversikten resulterade i fem underrubriker: Användandet av riskbedömningsinstrument, Effekten på kroppens biokemiska mått, Effekter av typen av näringsintag: Peroral, enteral och parenteral, Näring förbättrar sårläkning och Sambandet mellan undernäring och trycksår. Resultatet från denna litteraturöversikt visar att god nutrition är en viktig faktor för att förebygga trycksår men påvisar även att nutrition inte ensamt läker trycksår.
Slutsats Näringsinterventioner har en viktig roll för trycksårets läkning. Särskilt lyfts vikten av att undvika undernäring, vilket inte bara är en riskfaktor för trycksår utan medför även negativa hälsoeffekter för patienterna. Slutligen visar resultaten att det behövs en helhetssyn med många olika aspekter för att behandla trycksår. För att bedöma exakt hur nutritionen påverkar trycksår behövs ytterligare forskning.
Previous studies have shown that belief in the healthiness of organic food is a strong motive for buying organic. Typically, a positive relation between a nutritionally balanced diet (with respect to fruit, vegetables and meat) and organic consumption is also found. As market shares of organic food are much smaller than those of conventional food, consumers may face a trade-off between buying organic and choosing the nutritional composition they prefer. Using data from a survey of around 1300 Danish consumers, we found that almost all respondents believed that organic food contains fewer unwanted substances than non-organic food, and that around a third considered organic food to be nutritionally superior. Respondents with high organic consumption and who believe in the nutritious superiority of organic food products were more likely to belong to a small group of respondents who prioritized buying organic. However, the vast majority, particularly those with low levels of organic consumption, prioritized dietary flexibility over organic produce. Our findings suggest that to motivate those in this large consumer segment to increase their organic consumption, it will be necessary to offer a broader, more nutritionally differentiated, range of organic products. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V.
One of the current main public health problems is the prevalence of obesity in children. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as poor dietary habits, high sedentary screen time (SST), and low levels of physical activity (PA) have a strong tendency to track from childhood into adulthood. The aim of this manuscript is to assess the association between meeting or not meeting the PA and SST recommendations and the consumption of different food groups.
Data were obtained from a sample of European adolescents from the multicenter cross-sectional HELENA study. In all, 1448 adolescents from 8 cities were included. PA was objectively measured by accelerometry and dietary intake by 24-hour dietary records. Adolescents were grouped according to PA and SST recommendations.
In both sexes, intake of savory snacks was higher in those groups who did not meet any of the recommendations (p < 0.05). For males, those who met both recommendations were more likely to drink/eat milk, yogurt, and water (p < 0.05). Those not meeting recommendations were more likely to drink sugar-sweetened beverages (p < 0.05). For females, those not meeting recommendations were less likely to eat fruits and vegetables and more likely to have a higher intake of fats and oils (p < 0.05).
Those adolescents meeting PA and SST recommendations had a higher intake of healthy foods, like fruit and vegetables and dairy products. However, the negative relationship unhealthier food and SST is stronger in males independently of PA. More studies assessing the combined effect of both PA and SST regarding dietary habits in children and adolescents are needed.
Background: The relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and atrial fibrillation (AF) remains controversial. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the prospective associations of blood or adipose tissue levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with incident AF. Methods: We used participant-level data from a global consortium of 17 prospective cohort studies, each with baseline data on blood or adipose tissue omega-3 fatty acid levels and AF outcomes. Each participating study conducted a de novo analyses using a prespecified analytical plan with harmonized definitions for exposures, outcome, covariates, and subgroups. Associations were pooled using inverse-variance weighted meta-analysis. Results: Among 54,799 participants from 17 cohorts, 7,720 incident cases of AF were ascertained after a median 13.3 years of follow-up. In multivariable analysis, EPA levels were not associated with incident AF, HR per interquintile range (ie, the difference between the 90th and 10th percentiles) was 1.00 (95% CI: 0.95-1.05). HRs for higher levels of DPA, DHA, and EPA+DHA, were 0.89 (95% CI: 0.83-0.95), 0.90 (95% CI: 0.85-0.96), and 0.93 (95% CI: 0.87-0.99), respectively. Conclusions: In vivo levels of omega-3 fatty acids including EPA, DPA, DHA, and EPA+DHA were not associated with increased risk of incident AF. Our data suggest the safety of habitual dietary intakes of omega-3 fatty acids with respect to AF risk. Coupled with the known benefits of these fatty acids in the prevention of adverse coronary events, our study suggests that current dietary guidelines recommending fish/omega-3 fatty acid consumption can be maintained. © 2023 American College of Cardiology Foundation
Taxes and subsidies on foods and nutrients have the potential to promote healthier diets and thereby reduce mortality. In this study, we examine the effects of such policy instruments on Swedish public health. Specifically, we estimate the effects of food and nutrient taxes and subsidies on mortality averted and postponed in Sweden, using both demand system estimations and simulation models. We evaluate different Value Added Tax (VAT) reforms. The VAT is raised on food products that are particularly rich in saturated fat or salt and lowered on fruit and vegetables. Our models predict that an increase in the current VAT of 12% on food, to 25% VAT on products rich in saturated fat plus a 0% VAT on fruits and vegetables would result in almost 1100 deaths (95% CI: -832; -1363) averted or postponed in a year in Sweden, while the combination of a 34.4% VAT on products rich in saturated fat and a -10.4% VAT (i.e. a subsidy) on fruits and vegetables would result in almost 2100 (95% CI: -1572; -2311) deaths averted or postponed corresponding to a 4.8% reduction in diet-related annual death. Most of the deaths averted or delayed from this reform would be deaths from coronary heart disease (-1,148, 95% CI: -728; -1586), followed by stroke -641 (95% CI: -408; -887) and diet-related cancer deaths (-288, 95% CI: -11; -435). We find that health-related food taxes and subsidies improve dietary habits as well as reduce the mortality of the Swedish population. However, the effect of these reforms on different socioeconomic classes and which reforms provide the best value for money, i.e., cost-effectiveness of these reforms needs to be established first before implementation.
BACKGROUND: The family environment influences food consumption and behaviours, which impact adolescent's eating habits, diet and health. Young individuals who frequently eat family meals are less likely to develop risk- and behaviour-related outcomes as obesity.
AIM: To assess the relationship between the family meal environment and food and macronutrient consumption in European adolescents.
METHODS: 1,703 adolescents aged 12.5-17.5 years (46.5% male) from the European HELENA cross-sectional study were selected. Sociodemographic variables and dietary intake using two non-consecutive self-reported 24-hour dietary recalls were collected from all the included participants. The relationship between family meals' environment and food and macronutrient consumption was analized using analysis of covariance.
RESULTS: Adolescents who used to take their main meals with their family were associated with high consumption of healthy foods and beverages (i.e. vegetables, fruit, milk, water) and low consumption of energy dense food and beverages as chocolate, savoury snacks, sugar or juices compared with those who used to eat alone, with friends or other people (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: The company/people with whom adolescents consume their meal have an important influence on the adolescent's consumption of different types of food (especially at lunch). Family's environment during meals has been associated with a high consumption of healthy foods.