In Swedish teacher education, school-based courses (VFU) play a central role in the development of pre-service teachers' professional competence and professional identities. However, while it is often claimed that school-based courses contribute to the development of the school itself, this aspect is seldom explored. Therefore, this study examines how mentor teachers influence and are offered to influence their own professional development and school development in Swedish teacher education, with a focus on the role they play.
The present study aims to deepen the knowledge of how pre-school teachers and elementary school teachers perceive their own supervisor role in relation to professional and school development as part of teacher education. This study also explores how these mentor teachers’ principals experience the contributions of inviting pre-service teachers to their workplace.
As a theoretical model, we have used Scherp's (2013)[1] VISKA model in the study, where a holistic perspective on everyday problems and dilemmas can form starting points for both profession and school development. Mentor teachers and pre-service teachers find themselves in precisely such situations during school-based courses.
The data collection methods included individual interviews and focus group interviews with experienced mentors for preschool and elementary school pre-service teachers. Focus and individual interviews were also conducted with the mentor teachers' principals. The study is ongoing, and we have conducted interviews with three preschool teachers, three elementary teachers, and six principals thus far.
Preliminary results indicate that all participants, including both preschool and primary school educators, emphasize that supervision provides teachers with the opportunity to reflect on their teaching roles. This process helps in strengthening their professional teacher identity by articulating intuitive, unexamined knowledge within a theoretical framework. However, there is a lack of supportive structures to effectively utilize this acquired knowledge for school development. In conclusion, there is a genuine desire to support pre-service teachers in becoming future professional educators, with the goal of educating and guiding children and students toward a democratic society
Keywords: lärarutbildning, VFU-handledare, aktivt lärande, framtidsförmågor, driva förändring
[1] Scherp, H.-Å. (2013) Lärandebaserad skolutveckling. Lärarglädjens förutsättningar, förverkligande och resultat. Lund: Studentlitteratur.